Playing Hardball: Part 5 Page 13
I watched from the family section, as my husband pitched the last game of his career, with so much excitement about our future. Whatever happened, I knew Lance loved me and would be right there to protect me. We could get through anything life threw at us. I looked up into the beautiful sky and thanked Brad one more time for sending me the man I would live the rest of my life with.
Chapter 21
Four Years Later
We stood in Carrie and Scott's backyard for James' eighth birthday party. Sammie's fifth birthday was only ten days away, so we were celebrating them both together. I'd even asked James earlier in the day if he minded. He said he was happy to share his birthday with Sam. No matter how many times we called my girl Sammie or Samantha, he didn't care. James had called her Sam since the day she was born. It was his name alone for her. Lance tried to get him to change it, but James wouldn't have it. That boy was just as stubborn as the rest of us.
The kids had just finished opening all of their presents. Lance got them each a Pirates jersey with their last names on them. Sammie pulled that jersey on right away before running over and wrapping her arms around Lance's legs. Most of Sammie's other gifts weren't far off from James'. She was our little tomboy for sure. At five years old, she was more into baseball than I would ever be. She played with dolls every now and then, but baseball and running around in the mud was where her heart was. She didn't wear the girly clothes I bought her. When she did wear them, they ended up dirty within the first hour. I loved my little girl, but she was most definitely a daddy's girl. It was so adorable watching her with Lance. That man was at her beck and call. She had him wrapped tighter around her fingers than I'd ever seen anyone before. I think a lot of it had to do with him missing out on the first year of her life. He didn't want to miss another moment. I wasn't sure she was going to like it so much in her teenage years, but we'd cross that bridge when we came to it.
I looked up from where she was hanging on Lance's legs to see my sexy husband holding our blue little bundle in his arms. It made my man ten times sexier. Sammie looked up at Lance with the biggest smile on her face.
“Can Lancie play with us?” she asked.
He looked down at his little girl and laughed.
“Not yet, baby girl,” he said. “He's just a tiny baby. You have to give him time to grow. When he gets bigger, he'll play with us every day.”
Before you get excited and think that I'd finally won that battle with him, let me explain. We'd gone back and forth for four years about having another baby. I wanted Sammie to have a brother or sister, and I wanted to have another child with Lance. Every time the subject came up, we ended up right back where we'd started.
Lance was afraid he'd lose me or the baby after the scare we'd had when Sammie was born. I remembered how scary it was when Sammie had to be delivered early, but I couldn't remember what had happened to me. Lance had lived through it. I'd even talked to Carrie's mom. She let me know just how hard it was for him. I knew what it was like to lose someone, and I never wanted Lance to go through that.
After thinking it through, I realized it wasn't a battle I was willing to fight anymore. I understood how he felt and the fear it put him through. I was actually scared as well. I was afraid of doing anything to harm my child. I was also not willing to lose out on watching Sammie grow up. I would always be there for my girl no matter what. There was no way Lance was getting rid of me either. I had plenty more years of torturing him to do yet too.
When I finally told him I was giving up the fight, I watched my husband visibly relax. He really had been worried, and I felt bad for letting it go on for so long. I would never intentionally hurt him. He was the most perfect husband. He kept me on my toes and challenged my ass all the time, but he treated me like I was the most precious woman in the world. Not one day had gone by that I hadn't felt completely loved.
When Lance brought up adoption, I was surprised. It hadn't really come up much before. I was in one hundred percent. The thought of giving a child a loving family that wouldn't have had one any other way was so exciting to me. We'd met with a girl that was too young and definitely not ready to have a baby. We'd promised to give her baby more love than he would ever need and probably want. It helped a bit that she was a Pirates fan and knew who Lance was right away.
Our little Lance had only been home with us for one month. Sammie was super excited to have a baby brother. She wasn't thrilled that all he seemed to do was sleep, cry, and eat, but I knew she was going to love him just like we did.
We'd asked Sammie if she wanted to move into the bigger bedroom. Lance had offered to paint it any way she wanted it. She declined the offer stating that she was in her bedroom. It was the one her daddy had painted for her, and his picture was on the wall so she could even see him when she was sleeping. Lance lit up like a kid at Christmas and said she could stay right there. If she'd been able to see into the future, she would have run like crazy to that new room. That little five year old decision was definitely going to bite her in the ass later. I knew it was.
Lance ended up painting different scenes in a different room for the baby. We'd used Lucy's crib and furniture for little Lance. She was pretty happy about getting new big girl furniture to match the big girl bed she'd moved into a few years back. Every time the words big girl came out of her mouth, I swore one of Lance's hairs turned gray. She was only five, and he was having a hard time. Damn did I love that man.
“I want to kiss Lancie, daddy,” Sammie said looking up at Lance.
Lance got down on his knee and let Sammie look at her baby brother.
“I'll kiss him right here,” she said, as she kissed his forehead. “That's where you always kiss me.”
“It sure is, baby girl,” Lance said, as he pulled her in and kissed her in that same spot.
“Come play ball with me, daddy,” she said.
I stepped forward and took the baby from Lance. Then I stood and watched as Sammie and Lance threw the ball back and forth. For five years old, she was pretty damn good. I leaned down to kiss little Lance and smiled down at him.
“I sure hope you like baseball, little guy,” I whispered. “Between your sister and your dad, I'm not sure who's worse.”
James and Scott joined in to play with Sammie and Lance. Cassie couldn't be bothered, so she sat and played by the the table her grandparents and mom were sitting at. When I walked over to the table, Carrie's mom held her arms out.
“Hand me my newest grandchild,” she said with a smile.
As soon as I handed the baby to her, Carrie grabbed my hand and was dragging me toward our men.
“What are you two up to?” Lance called out.
“Showing you boys how it's done,” Carrie said with a smile.
Both Scott and Lance burst into laughter.
“Oh, hell no, Ballplayer,” I snapped out. “Bring it on.”
Lance walked over, grabbed me around the waist, and leaned in toward my ear.
“If I win,” he whispered. “You will be on your knees, naked, with your hands behind your back, and your mouth ready and waiting to suck my cock tonight.”
I felt my body shiver at his words. I leaned into him with a smile.
“If I win,” I whispered near his ear. “You get diaper duty for a whole week.”
He pulled back from me, narrowed his eyes, and shook his head.
“That's what you want if you win?” he asked with a growl in his tone.
“I'm already going to have your head between my thighs while I come all over your tongue, Hotshot. I don't have to bet on that,” I whispered before grabbing his cock through his jeans and then turning to walk toward Carrie.
“Show me what you got, Ballplayer,” I yelled back over my shoulder.
Carrie burst into laughter as I walked up.
“You think we got this?” Carrie said.
“Of course we do,” I said before leaning in to whisper. “Let them win.”
“Are you serious?”
she snapped at me.
“Hell yes I am. His win is much better than mine,” I said with a smile.
“You are something else, woman,” she said with a laugh. “What happened to the woman I met at work all those years ago.”
“She's who she was supposed to be all along,” I said with a smile. “I'm back, and I'm better than ever.”
Hearing Lance's words in my head over and over had me on edge the entire time. I couldn't wait to lose that game, get my man home, and be down on my knees for him.
Those four years had gone by so quickly, and the passion between us had only grown stronger. The thought of my man being in my mouth as he stood above me had me ready to jump all over him. I couldn't wait to see what the next years with him had to bring.
Thirteen Years Later
We'd just finished getting our spare room set up. James would be there any minute. We weren't sure how long he'd be living with us, but we were happy to have him.
The Pirates, along with a few other teams, had been trying to get him since high school. The kid was amazing. It drove Scott and Lance both crazy that he'd put it off. There was no doubt in my mind that James would whip both their asses at the game.
James wanted to graduate college before playing professional ball. He wanted a backup plan. Neither Scott nor Lance understood why, but I was really proud of him. He knew what he wanted, and he wasn't going to let either of them change his mind. Carrie stood behind her son. She said it was completely his choice, and he'd stuck to his original plan.
He graduated from the University of Michigan at the top of his class. He'd taken extra credits and played ball. I still couldn't figure out how he was so good at both. It was a damn mystery. His degree was in accounting, so it was right up my alley. When the two of us talked numbers, I could see the passion in his eyes. I had a few opinions when it came to James, but I kept them to myself.
He'd finally gotten Scott and Lance all excited when he signed with the Pirates. Like me, he thought things through. When we offered him a room in our home, he jumped at it. There was no way he wanted to waste money. He knew he wouldn't be home enough to pay for his own place. I didn't blame him there. He could save that money for something else.
We lived five hours away from Carrie and Scott, but we were all family. Over the years, we'd traveled to see them and they'd come to see us at least twice a month. We were just as close as if we'd lived right down the street. That part hadn't changed. I was closer to Carrie's mom than ever. Her dad was pretty awesome too. Cassie played with Sammie here and there, but honestly Sammie got along much better with James. It was the whole tomboy and baseball thing. The girl was crazy when it came to the game.
Sammie was just starting her senior year and was hoping to play softball in college. She'd kept her grades up pretty high. I was so damn proud of my girl. Lance was the coach of the high school team, and she loved it. He treated her just like everyone else on the field, but off the field the man was mush when it came to his little girl. I had not a single fear of my girl ever being pushed around by a boy. If they got past her defenses, they'd never make it past her fathers. He was convinced she was never going near a boy unless it was to kick his ass on the field. I already felt sorry for whatever boy would finally steal her heart. It definitely wouldn't be a pretty sight.
Little Lance was just going into seventh grade. He was also starting to notice the girls. He played ball too, but not as much as Sammie. He had other interests. Lance made sure to spend as much time doing the other things as well. He didn't want to pressure our son into anything he didn't want. I couldn't say the same for James. Lance had no problem putting pressure down on him. Little Lance was excited about James coming to live with us. I honestly think it was more to brag to his friends than anything though. It was more exciting to have a current Pirate than a retired one in his family. I'd never tell Lance that though. It would break his heart.
I couldn't read Sammie's thoughts on the whole James moving in thing. Some moments she seemed super excited but others I wasn't so sure. The jury was still out on that one. I guess time would tell.
I looked around at James' room one more time. Lance walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I let my head fall back against his chest. We were definitely going to have a full house. I'd never thought it could get much fuller than it already was, but I was wrong. I wasn't sure how the next few years were going to go.
“You ready for a new adventure?” I asked, as I looked up at the gorgeous, perfect man behind me.
He leaned down and kissed my forehead just as the doorbell rang.
“I sure am. It can't get much better than this.”
The End.
Be sure to watch for my next book - “Falling for My Best Friend” Part 1, coming September 27th. I can't wait for you to read Sammie's story. The other parts will follow three weeks apart.
Also watch for “The Dark Night Returns” coming October 25th, “Working on My Brother's Best Friend” coming November 15th, and “Saved by Love (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #1)” coming December 13th.
Please continue on for the Prologue and Chapter 1 of “In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 1”.
Other Stories by Sharon Cummin
Romance Series
Romance and a... Series: The Complete Collection
Billionaire Romance Series
Finding Love, Keeping Love, and Saving Love
Bachelor Billionaire Series
Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1)
Sea of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #1 of a 5 novel series.
Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)
Hot for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #2 of a 5 novel series.
Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)
Battle for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #3 of a 5 novel series.
Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4)
Rescue of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #4 of a 5 novel series.
Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5)
Built for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #5 of a 5 novel series.
The Future of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #6)
The Future of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #6 of a 6 novel series.
The Game of Love Series
The Game of Love Boxed Set
His Assistant Serials
His Assistant Serials: Complete Box Set
His Assistant: The Final Story
His Assistant Ultimate Box Set (including The Final Story)
Unexpected Love Serials
Unexpected Love Box Set (It Happened in Vegas and What Happened After Vegas?)
A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)
A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)
The Dark Night
The Dark Night
In Love with My Brother's Best Friend
In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 1
In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 2
In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 3
A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother
A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 1
A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 2
A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 3
A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 4
Showing Him Who's Boss
Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 1
Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 2
Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 3
Playing Hardball
Playing Hardball, Part 1
Playing Hardball, Part 2
Playing Hardball, Part 3
Playing Hardball, Part 4
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In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 1
I was finally a teenager and so excited. It was my thirteenth birthday, and I was having a sleepover with a few of my friends in the basement. My brother and his friends were upstairs. That was one of things that sucked about having a twin, I had to share my birthday with him. It felt like I had to share everything with him. I guess I should have been glad that he was a boy. That way I didn't have to share clothes, a bedroom, or my friends with him. At least our parents didn't make us combine our parties completely. There was no way I wanted to be around him and his friends. They weren't bad to look at, but they could sure be a pain in my rear.
We were sitting in the basement, with the lights off, watching a movie. I didn't like the scary ones, but my friends did. They put on one of their favorites. I didn't mind I guess. It was nice to have them over celebrating with me. I held a pillow tightly to my chest the entire time. There was a loud noise, and I screamed. Just when it I thought that part was over, I felt something on my shoulder and moved to brush it away. It was gone. A few seconds later I felt it again. I heard a loud scream come from the television, and something squeezed my shoulder at the same time. I threw my pillow into the air, screamed, jumped back, and flipped over the back of the couch onto something shaking beneath me. One of my friends flipped the light on. I looked down to see Jackson under me laughing hysterically.