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Saved by Love (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #1) Page 2

  “My daughter will work for me,” Gavin's dad snapped.

  “You drive me crazy,” Gavin said, as he sat back down and started eating again. “Can we just get through this dinner.

  “I'm proud of you both,” his dad said shocking him. “We'll all be right there for whatever you need, you just have to let us know. We love you guys.”

  With that, everyone sat back down and went back to eating. Julie and Jason walked back out a few minutes later and sat down as well.

  Gavin looked across at Jack and smiled. For the first time in so long, he was looking forward to what was ahead. He knew what he wanted to do with his life, nobody and nothing was going to stop him.

  Chapter 2


  Her brother was her everything. When Gracie heard he was leaving with Gavin, she was pissed. It was bad enough that she got nervous every single time she heard a fire truck. What was she going to do with him hundreds or thousands of miles away? What if they sent him to war? What if something happened to him? She'd heard her brother say Gavin had nothing to do with his decision, but she couldn't help the furious feeling she had toward her brother's best friend. She knew Jack would never be made to do something. It was a decision she knew deep down he'd made for himself, but that didn't matter. She looked down that table to see the huge smile on her brother's face. He really had wanted to help people. She'd heard him say it a million times since they were little kids. He was her big brother. He needed to be there, like he always had been, in case she needed a hug, help with something, or someone to talk to when her parents wouldn't cut it.

  Gracie looked toward Gavin to see his smile but couldn't help the things she was feeling toward him. If anything happened to her brother, even one scratch, Gavin was going to get her wrath every single moment of every single day. She'd never forgive him if her brother came to harm from his decision.

  “You okay?” she heard Ethan ask from over her shoulder.

  “No,” she said, as she looked up and back at him. “You know I don't like you, right?”

  She was totally lying to him. Gracie had been in love with Ethan ever since she could remember. She used to chase his ass everywhere, even though he was one year younger than her.

  “I know,” he said with a smile. “It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if you did though. He's a big boy, you know. Your brother loves helping people. Let him do his thing. Don't be too hard on him.”

  “He's not the one I'm going to be hard on,” she replied with a fake smile. “His friend over there started this whole thing. He'd better hope he keeps my brother safe.”

  “He isn't making him do it. I heard them talking, Gracie. Gavin told him no. He said he was going alone. Jack wants to do this. You're doing what you love, cooking and running the restaurants.”

  “I know,” she said. “Stop making it look like a good thing that my big brother is leaving me.”

  “We're all still here,” Ethan said, as he motioned around at the rest of their crew. “One call, and you know each of us will be there. Knock your shit off and be happy for your brother.”

  “You're just saying that because you're going away to school. What are you going to do if I call you?” she asked in a serious tone.

  “I'll be there as fast as possible, Gracie,” he answered. “He'll be back before you know it.”

  “I know,” she said, as her big brother walked over and leaned down to pull her to her feet and hug her.

  “Knock it off, sis,” Jack said. “Put that cranky look away. Ethan will be here if you need him.”

  “Shut up,” she said, as he she looked at Ethan and shook her head before turning back to him. “I'm going to miss you.”

  “I'll miss you too, but it's going to be amazing,” he said.

  “You really want to do this with him?” she asked.

  “You've never had a problem with him before,” he said. “I want to do this no matter if he's there or not. Don't give him shit. He's having a hard enough time. He doesn't need anyone making him feel worse than his parents will. You going to write to us?”

  “You mean to you?” she asked.

  “I mean to us both,” he said. “If we have all of you sending us letters, we'll be just fine. You write to me, you write to him. Got it?”

  “Sure,” she said. “I'll write to his ass if I have to just to write to you. I love you, Jack. Promise me you'll be safe. Promise me you'll come back without so much as a scratch.”

  “I can promise that I'll do everything I can to keep all of us safe,” he said.

  “Why have you always wanted to save the world?” she asked.

  “I just have,” he said. “Look at dad, he saved mom's life. Without that, we wouldn't even be here. It's what I need to do. I can't help but want to protect people. It's in my blood.”

  They both burst into laughter. When Gavin walked up, she looked over at him.

  “You will bring my brother back to me,” she said, as she pointed her finger in his chest. “You better get to working out if your ass wants to be a soldier. I'm going to write to you, but know that I'm only doing it because my brother said I have to.”

  “Gracie Rose,” Jack snapped.

  “We can't all be Ethan,” Gavin said with a smirk.

  “You two need to shut up,” she said sternly. “That was not funny. He can't help it if he's cuter than you, Gavin. Deep down, I'm proud of you two. Don't tell anyone, I'll deny it.”

  “Since you're only writing to me because you have to, send Jack some good food too,” Gavin said with a smile.

  “That would be awesome,” Jack added. “We'll take cheesecake.”

  “You two are nuts,” Gracie's mom said, as she walked up behind them. “Leave her alone about food. We're all proud of you two. It might not be easy for some of us, but I think we all get it. Help clean up the mess so we can get to bed. Some of us have early flights.”

  “Some of us get to sit at the airport and wait,” Jordan said, as he walked up with Jason and Julie following behind him.

  “Nobody told your asses to move away,” Gracie said. “You and your brother could have stayed right where you belonged. I still can't believe Jason left to race cars. I thought for sure he and Julie would end up together.”

  “Hell no,” Gavin snapped. “That dude lives too fast for my sister.”

  “Seriously,” Jason snapped. “Just because I'm adventurous, I'm not good enough for your sister?”

  “Nobody will ever be good enough for my sisters. Sorry man, nothing personal,” Gavin said.

  “I get it,” Jason said. “I'll be freaking out when Brianna starts dating.”

  “She's fifteen,” Julie said. “You know she's already thinking about that, right?”

  “Bullshit,” he snapped. “Not happening. I'll drive over every little punk that comes near her.”

  They all burst into laughter.

  “If you all don't get your asses helping, I'm going to show you what a butt kicking is. Move it!” Gracie's mom yelled out.

  “Chill out,” Jack yelled out.

  “Do not talk to your mother like that,” Gracie's dad yelled even louder.

  “Sorry,” Jack said, as he headed over with the rest of the crew following.

  Gracie closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep that night.

  “You've got a long time before he leaves. Soak up every second,” she whispered to herself, as she finally closed her eyes.

  Everyone made it to the airport together. Jason and Jordan both went their separate ways after saying goodbye. Heath pulled Tara in tight as she cried about how much she was going to miss her boys. Gracie walked over and pulled Julie in close when she saw her first tear fall. Jason was Julie's best friend. Gracie wasn't sure how Julie let him leave each time.

  Everyone else got on the plane the parents had chartered. They'd said for years it wasn't much more than paying for all of their tickets, and they were happy to save everyone else from having to hear all of their craziness.

bsp; Gracie couldn't help but think about the next summer in Hawaii. Would Gavin and Jack be able to be there? Would Ethan come home from school for the summer? Would he make it to Hawaii? She knew less and less people would be on that plane each year, and she couldn't help the tears that began falling from her own eyes.

  “Everything okay?” she heard Gavin ask.

  “I don't know,” she answered honestly. “I sure hope so.”

  Chapter 3


  “It's going to be fine,” Gavin said, as he thought about his decision and hoped he was right. “He'll be back before you know it.”

  “You don't know that, Gavin,” Gracie said. “Stop acting like you know what's going to happen. I can't believe you two have been planning this for five years. This was your big idea.”

  “You're right,” he said. “I can't promise anything except that I will do my best.”

  “You better,” she began.

  “I know,” he said cutting her off. “Beef up.”

  They both laughed, and neither of them said another word. The plane landed, and each family went their own way.

  Gavin and Jack signed up together the very next day. It instantly gave Gavin a sense of relief and a proud feeling filled him. He was going to help his country, and he was happy. There was no pressure from anyone, not as much anyway.

  He spent as much time as he could with his parents. His sisters both went back to school, but he talked to them daily until it was time for him to leave.

  Jack worked until the day before they were leaving. When he wasn't at work, he was either with Gracie or his parents. The station had a huge party for him. His parents and sister were there. Gavin had gone as well. Both of the guys were so damn proud of what they were doing.

  The night before they left, all of the families came together for dinner. Even the kids came home from college. Jason and Jordan were the only two missing. Gavin hugged Julie.

  “I know you miss him,” he said.

  “I do,” she said. “We've always known our lives would go two different directions though. I'm going to be here after college. He'll be off racing cars. Sometimes things don't work out the way you'd like them too.”

  “Dad will come around once you graduate,” Gavin said.

  “Doesn't matter,” she said. “I love what I do. If he doesn't, it will be his loss. I can always work with Uncle Ethan. Who knows, maybe I'll go work for the competition.”

  “Dad's head would blow,” Gavin said with a laugh.

  “He'll learn that a girl can kick his coders asses,” she said with a laugh of her own. “I'm just kidding. I'm going to miss you. You two better be careful.”

  “We'll be back soon,” he said. “We're only going for training. We'll be safe. They won't be sending us anyplace crazy for a while.”

  “I'm proud of you,” Julie said.

  “Thanks,” he replied. “I'm proud of you too.”

  “What are we so proud of?” Jessie asked when she walked up.

  “I'm proud of what you're doing too, Jessie. You're going to save so many lives and help so many people.”

  “If I ever finish college,” she joked. “I'm going to miss you, Gavin.”

  “What kind of Gavin fest is this?” Jack asked, as he walked up. “I'm going too.”

  Both of the girls wrapped their arms around Jack.

  “We're proud of you too, Jack,” Jessie said.

  “You girls going to write to me?” he asked.

  “If I have time,” Jessie answered.

  “Your ass better write,” he said sternly, as he looked down at her.

  “I will,” she said with a smile.

  “I made you fools cheesecake,” Gracie yelled out from across the room. “If you want some, you better hurry up.”

  The two guys were at that table in seconds.

  “Huge pieces,” Jack said. “Who knows what kind of food we'll be eating.”

  “You two won't be that far away,” Gracie said. “Don't act like they're going to starve you. Get that guy working out, Jack.”

  “When I come back looking all sexy, you're going to be like who's Ethan,” Gavin said just after he grabbed his full plate from her.

  “Give that back,” she said, as he held it up and out of her reach.

  “I'll be right here if she needs anything while you're gone,” Ethan said with a wink. “She writes me because she wants to. Her brother didn't have to make her do it.”

  For the first time ever, Gavin felt a tinge of jealousy. Why, he had no idea. He quickly shook it off and dove into his favorite dessert.

  Jack walked up to where Ethan was sitting and looked down at him.

  “Really?” he asked with a growl. “You just started college. You want to see up close what doctors do?”

  “I'm just messing with you two,” he said. “Relax.”

  Gracie shoved a plate at Jack.

  “Go eat,” she said. “Stay over there with your friend.”

  “Whatever,” he mumbled, as he snatched the plate and gave Ethan one more look before walking away.

  Both of the guys were up early, said their goodbyes to their families, and were off to start their new path in life.

  Chapter 4


  The time between them telling everyone they were joining the military and them leaving flew by for Gracie. She couldn't believe it had gone so fast. Her brother was safe. She told herself that over and over. It was going to be a bit before she would hear from him. She also told herself she wasn't going to write to them until they were stationed someplace. She had time, and for that she was thankful. Why was her brother going to make her write to Gavin too, she wondered? He had three siblings of his own. He didn't need another letter. Jack asked, so of course she'd do it. She'd do anything for her brother.

  Sunday family dinners were getting smaller. Ethan, Julie, and Jessie were away at school. It had started back up again, so some of the families were staying home. With sports and activities, things slowed down during the school year when it came to the group getting together. They still celebrated big things together though. Becky and Gracie's mom still wanted to get together. Gracie was pretty sure it was so they could talk about their boys and hopefully worry a little less. That left Gracie and Nate with the two sets of parents. She noticed Nate trying to find a way to be with a friend each Sunday. Becky hadn't stopped him either. On those days it was only Gracie. She didn't want to sit around hearing about Jack and Gavin being gone. It was something she worked hard not to think about, well Jack anyway. She was still pissed at the other guy. Instead of listening to the two women, she cooked dinner. It kept her busy and away from the parents. She didn't mind being able to cook new things to try out on them. Might as well get something out of it, she thought to herself. She was using it for research.

  Gracie dove into her work more than she had before. The more she worked, the less she worried about her brother. She'd drive from one restaurant to the next to check on everything she could think of. If she felt like it, she'd stay at one and cook for a few hours. Most of the people loved her, and she enjoyed talking to them about their families and lives. By the time she'd get home each night, she'd be exhausted and fall into bed. Her eyes would close, and she'd be gone. As the days went by, she found herself barely having time to think about Jack at all. That was perfect. If she didn't think, she didn't worry.

  Her dad insisted that she take the weekends off. When she fought him on it, he finally agreed to any two days a week she wanted. That was as far as he was compromising. She still took off Sundays so she could use the four parents as guinea pigs for new dishes. Josh was onto her, but the other three had no idea. She'd laugh at times when she'd eat one of the dishes and know it wasn't a hit, but the three of them would shake their heads and tell her how great it was. Her dad would always pull her aside and let her know not to make it again. He never lied when it came to food. They were two peas in a pod in the kitchen and at work. He was barely even going to work any
more. She was taking care of everything.

  She mentioned wanting to open another restaurant, but he put his foot down. That wasn't happening just yet. They'd recently opened a new one, and he wanted time to see how well it did. She knew he was doing it so she wouldn't have another place to run. He didn't understand that was what she loved doing. The more the merrier she thought.

  There were days she'd find herself wondering what Ethan was doing. Each time it made her laugh. Her brother had been onto her, and she'd thought she was doing a good job of keeping it a secret. Ethan emailed her to see how she was doing only a week after Jack and the other guy had left. She'd answered him and was happy to see he continued checking in with her every few days. It was nice to know that her crew had her back if she needed them. She found herself checking her phone during the day to see if he responded and wondered if he did the same. They messaged about his classes or her work and family stuff as well. It was pretty much the same each time, but she looked forward to the distraction.

  The guys came home for a few days before being sent to where they were being stationed. Gracie cooked her brother an amazing meal. All of the families were invited, but most of them were busy. When Becky, Gavin, Nate, and Gavin Jr. walked through the door, she couldn't help but laugh. The parents went in to see her parents and Nate followed with a get me out of here look on his face, but Gavin Jr. stood flexing his muscles in the doorway. She walked over, squeezed his arm, and laughed.

  “You've still got a long way to go,” she said before turning and walking back to the kitchen.

  “Did you make cheesecake?” he asked.

  “I made my brother cheesecake,” she answered.

  “It's a good thing he likes me,” Gavin said. “He'll share. We've been looking forward to it.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “You have no idea,” he answered, as he turned and headed up the stairs for Jack's room.

  Gracie couldn't help the smile that covered her face. They were looking forward to it, she thought. Had they really, or was he just kissing her ass? What did she care what he thought anyway? She didn't. It was for her brother.