Saved by Love (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #1) Page 20
Gracie looked at her mom and dad. They were dealing with enough. There was no way she was going to do anything that might hurt or upset them. Before Gavin could say another word, she cut him off.
“Gavin has tattoos,” she blurted out.
His eyes widened before narrowing at her.
“Seriously,” he said.
“You do?” his mom asked sternly.
“Really?” Gracie's mom asked.
“I have a few actually,” Gavin said in a serious tone, but his eyes were still on Gracie. “I plan to get more too.”
“Where?” his dad asked.
“They cover some of my scars,” he said. “They are memories and reminders.”
“Can I see them?” Gracie's mom asked from next to him.
He shook his head at Gracie and lifted his shirt. Instantly, Gracie saw tears in her mom's eyes. Then she heard the gasps coming from everyone else. Gavin put his shirt down and narrowed his eyes at her. She was waiting for him to out that she'd gotten one too, but he didn't.
“Those are beautiful,” Gracie's mom said.
“They each mean something to me,” he said. “As I was saying, when I got home, I was losing my shit.”
“Gavin,” his mom snapped.
“I was hurting, and one person saved me,” he said.
Gavin had made his way half way around the table. Gracie saw even more confusion in her father's eyes.
“He has a motorcycle,” Gracie yelled out.
She thought it would stop him, but it didn't.
“You what?” his mom snapped.
“I do,” he said, still looking directly at Gracie. “Are you done?”
She shrugged but didn't speak.
“Should I point out everything I know?” he asked.
“No,” she said quickly. “Shit! I'm sorry.”
“Gracie Rose,” her dad snapped.
Gavin stopped, grabbed the knife from her hand, set it down, and looked at her. The room was silent.
“I just,” she started but stopped when he put his finger over her lips to quiet her.
She could feel a warm comfort fill her just from his touch. Her nerves began to instantly calm.
“Are you embarrassed of me?” he asked in a whisper.
“No,” she said. “Not at all.”
Gavin wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, and Gracie felt her entire body relax. Her arms wrapped around him, letting him know she was there with him.
“Gracie saved me,” he said, as he looked towards her mom. “I tried not to fall for her, I really did. It didn't work. You know how she is.”
Gracie pulled back and smacked him in the arm.
“You've got to do better than that, baby,” he said. “This is all muscle.”
“Ass,” she mumbled.
Gracie watched Gavin's eyes move down to Ethan.
“I'm sorry, Ethan,” he said. “I love your girl.”
“What?” Gracie's dad said, as he got to his feet.
“Gavin,” his own dad found his feet as well.
“What?” Gracie said in a shocked tone.
“What are you talking about?” Becky said, as she stood.
Gracie looked at her mom to see the biggest smile on her face.
“I love you,” Gavin said, as he lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “I tried not to. I didn't do it on purpose. It started when you sent me my own box.”
“Your own box,” his mom said sounding confused.
“She was all I thought about the whole time I was gone. When I came home, I knew she deserved so much better than me. She still does.”
“He saved me first,” Gracie said.
“How?” she heard her dad ask and turned to face him and her mom.
“I was having a hard time. I didn't want anyone to know. You and mom had so much to deal with already,” she began. “It only took him a second to figure it out. I tried to push him away and tell him I was okay, but he wouldn't have it. He didn't give up. Gavin pulled me back from where I was heading.”
“I guess we saved each other,” Gavin said.
“Maybe it's just because of Jack,” his dad said.
“No,” Gracie said. “I fell in love with him before he was deployed. We wrote all the time, and I sent him boxes whenever I sent one to Jack. I even sent him some without sending Jack anything.”
“I don't know about this,” her dad said. “He's your brother's best friend.”
“What does that mean?” she asked. “Look at you and mom. She was Uncle Heath's best friend. He loved her. You were his friend, dad. You saved her and stole her heart.”
“Don't bring me into this,” Heath said, as he hugged Tara.
“I agree with Josh on this one,” Gavin's dad said.
“What about Uncle Ethan,” Gavin said in a confident tone Gracie was proud of. “He was one of your best friends, and he fell in love with your sister.”
“Don't remind me,” his dad said.
“Hey,” Ethan snapped, as he stood up. “I'd do anything for my woman. Don't start that crap.”
“You can't help who you fall in love with,” Gavin said.
Gracie kept her eye on her dad the whole time.
“Gracie,” he said, as he shook his head.
“I love him,” she said.
“You're sure?” he asked.
Gracie nodded and wrapped her arms tighter around Gavin. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Gracie's mom stood and looked up at her husband.
“You're okay with this?” he asked her.
“I'm more than okay,” she said.
“You knew,” he said, as he narrowed his eyes at her.
“I was pretty sure,” she said. “I'm happy for them. I think Jack would be too. They've helped each other so much.”
“I guess you could say we've been saved by love,” Gracie said with a smile.
“Okay,” her dad said.
“Great,” Gavin said. “She's moving in with me.”
“She's what?” her dad snapped.
“I'm what?” Gracie yelped out.
“Moving in with me,” Gavin said. “There's no reason for us to both pay for a place when we always end up at the same place together.”
Gracie heard the rumble in her dad's chest, and her eyes shot over to him.
“You're going to make his head explode,” she said.
Gracie's mom wrapped her arms around her husband.
“I'll worry about him,” she said with a smile. “I'm so happy for you two.”
“You really want me to move in with you?” she asked.
“I do,” he said.
“I'm still cuter,” Ethan said, and they both looked down at him.
“Sorry,” Gracie said with a smile she knew was covering her whole face. “I have to disagree.”
“Does that mean my little girl has been on the back of a motorcycle?” Gracie's dad blurted out.
“I have a tattoo too,” she said.
She watched her dad's eyes widen more than she'd ever seen before.
“Okay,” her mom said. “Enough out of you two. One thing at a time here.”
“I love your little girl, Josh,” Gavin said. “I promise you that I will do everything I can to keep her safe. I will never let her get hurt. If I do, Jack will find a way to get me.”
“If he doesn't, I will,” her dad said. “I'll be paying attention.”
“I'd expect nothing less,” Gavin said.
“We're going to start something for vets,” Gracie said. “It was Gavin's idea.”
“For them, their families, and the families who have had a loved one give the ultimate sacrifice,” Gavin said. “I don't know where I'd be without Gracie. Not everyone has someone like I have.”
“That is an amazing idea,” Gracie's mom said. “Can I help?”
“Of course,” Gavin said.
“I'll definitely be there too,” Becky said. “I'm so proud of you two.”
Gracie watched both m
oms jump right in and start talking about what they could do. Then she looked between her dad and Gavin's. They were both still standing in shock.
“They have a point guys,” Big Ethan stood looking at his friends. “You can't help who you love.”
“Shut up,” Gavin's dad blurted out at his best friend. “I'll still kick your ass.”
“You really think he's cuter than me?” Ethan asked Gracie.
“I do,” she said, as she hugged Gavin tighter.
The three of them burst into laughter. Ethan handed Gavin the huge piece of cheesecake.
“I guess this was yours,” he said with a smile.
Everyone sat back down to enjoy their dessert. Gracie felt happier than she'd ever felt before, as she listened to her family begin telling stories about her brother. She knew, if he was there, he'd have been so damn proud of both of them.
Chapter 42
They'd all moved to the living room to talk. Gavin was sitting in a recliner, and Gracie was on his lap. His arms were wrapped around her holding her tight. He'd thought that dinner with the whole group together was going to be difficult, but it ended up being pretty amazing. They were all laughing and celebrating Jack. Gavin hadn't felt that relaxed and happy in a long time, and he owed it all to Gracie. She was amazing, and he knew that he was going to do everything he could to make sure she always had a reason to smile. When he thought about forever, he thought about being a firefighter and having Gracie right by his side. She was as excited about helping vets as he was, and he knew that together they were going to make a difference. Jack was going to be a huge part of that. He would always be right there in everything they did. Gavin knew he was the luckiest man in the world.
Gavin heard the doorbell cut through all the chatter going on around them. Jason jumped to his feet.
“That must be my girl,” he said. “I've missed her ass.”
“Jason,” Heath snapped out. “Watch your mouth. Your brother and sister can hear you.”
“Give me a break, dad,” Brianna said with a smile. “I've heard much worse than that.”
“I bet you have,” Ben said.
“Don't you get involved, son,” Ethan spoke up.
“Oh really,” Heath said to his daughter. “We'll talk about that later.”
That little girl had her dad wrapped around her finger. He watched over her. Gavin pitied any boy that looked her way.
“Heath,” Tara spoke up. “She is seventeen. Leave her alone.”
Heath mumbled something about his baby girl as Jason took off for the door. Gavin saw him swing it open and pull Julie into his arms. She was squealing and laughing.
“Get your hands off my sister,” Gavin snapped out.
He moved to try to stand up, but Gracie refused to let him.
“Like your one to complain,” Josh said, as he pointed to Gracie. “I don't think so. You're over there with my little girl on your lap. You leave your sister alone. Those two are best friends.”
“I've missed you so much,” Gavin heard Jason say as he hugged Julie.
“I honestly can't believe those two aren't together,” Gracie said.
“I don't think so,” Gavin blurted out.
Gavin watched Jason put Julie down before straightening and standing tall.
“Who the fuck is that?” Jason asked sternly.
“Jason,” Heath snapped out again.
Julie linked her arm through another arm and moved a few steps over. The person standing with her came into view. She pulled the guy right by Jason and stopped when she got to the living room doorway. The guy with his sister looked familiar, but Gavin couldn't place where he'd seen him before. The moment he realized it, Gavin sucked in a huge breath. Gracie turned quickly to face Gavin.
“Who's that?” she asked.
“My dad is going to lose his shit,” Gavin said.
Gavin looked from Gracie to his dad, his Uncle Ethan, and finally to Kyle. All three of them had very different yet equally pissed off looks on their faces.
“Sorry I'm late,” Julie said, as if what she'd just done was nothing at all. Then she looked over at Gavin and Gracie. “Wow! What is this? Are you two together?”
“We are,” Gavin said in a rough tone.
“I'm so happy for you,” she said, as she pulled away from the guy she'd brought and leaned down to hug Gracie.
Then Julie stepped back, linked her fingers through the man's, and smiled. The guy definitely had balls to show up with Julie. Gavin had to give him that.
“I wanted to introduce you to,” Julie started, but Ethan stood tall and cut her off.
“We know who he is,” Ethan snapped.
“Yes we do,” Gavin's dad growled out as he stood.
“Shit!” Kyle blurted out from where he was sitting, as he shook his head.
“I have no interest in any of it, and even I know who he is,” Gavin said from his seat. “His name is Cody.”
“What's the big deal?” Gracie whispered to Gavin.
“He's my dad's and Ethan's biggest competition,” Gavin whispered back.
Gracie's hand moved to cover her mouth.
“I've never seen either of them react to anyone the way they do to him,” he whispered. “It's not just a competition thing. It's him they can't stand.”
“He's my boyfriend,” Julie said, as she looked up at the man next to her with the biggest smile on her face.
The End.
Be sure to watch for my next serial - “Hacked by Love”. This will be Lancie's story.
Also watch for “Code of Love (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #2)” as well as the first novel in a new security series featuring Derek.
Please continue on for the Prologue and Chapter 1 of “Working on My Brother's Best Friend” and Chapter 1 and 2 of “A Love Rekindled” (The Game of Love #1).
Other Stories by Sharon Cummin
Romance Series
Romance and a... Series: The Complete Collection
Billionaire Romance Series
Finding Love, Keeping Love, and Saving Love
Bachelor Billionaire Series
Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1)
Sea of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #1 of a 5 novel series.
Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)
Hot for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #2 of a 5 novel series.
Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)
Battle for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #3 of a 5 novel series.
Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4)
Rescue of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #4 of a 5 novel series.
Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5)
Built for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #5 of a 5 novel series.
The Future of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #6)
The Future of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #6 of a 6 novel series.
Bachelor Billionaire: Complete Box Set (6 Novels)
All six novels together.
The Game of Love Series
The Game of Love Boxed Set
His Assistant Serials
His Assistant Serials: Complete Box Set
His Assistant: The Final Story
His Assistant Ultimate Box Set (including The Final Story)
Unexpected Love Serials
Unexpected Love Box Set (It Happened in Vegas and What Happened After Vegas?)
A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)
A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)
The Dark Night
The Dark Night
The Dark Night Returns
In Love with My Brother's Best Friend
In Love with My Brother's Best Friend: Complete Box Set
A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother
A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother: Complete Box Set
Showing Him Who's Boss
Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 1r />
Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 2
Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 3
Playing Hardball
Playing Hardball, Part 1
Playing Hardball, Part 2
Playing Hardball, Part 3
Playing Hardball, Part 4
Playing Hardball, Part 5
Falling for My Best Friend
Falling for My Best Friend, Part 1
Falling for My Best Friend, Part 2
Falling for My Best Friend, Part 3
Falling for My Best Friend, Part 4
Falling for My Best Friend, Part 5
Working on My Brother's Best Friend
Working on My Brother's Best Friend
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Working on My Brother's Best Friend
I was twenty five when I threw the going away party for my brother Gabe. There were so many things going through my mind. I looked around at all of his friends and then at the one that was leaving with him. That was where my emotions mixed.
I was going to miss my brother more than anything. We were twins and had been close our whole lives. My name was Gabriella, but he called me Gabby. His name was Gabriel, but I called him Gabe. It was the only thing we'd gotten from our parents before they took off. We were raised by my mother's parents. Ours were too young and not ready for two kids. That was what my grandma told me anyway. Gabe and I had been inseparable growing up. He was the life of the party. The man always had a joke for everything. He always found a way to bring a smile to my face no matter what was going on around us. He had my back anytime I needed it, and I would have done anything for him.