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Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3) Page 3

  “Are you okay?” Lisa asked.

  “I'm fine. I just don't get why he gave me such a hard time today. He has never been that bad. It was like he was trying to prove something. It makes no sense that as soon as talk of babies came up, he was out the door. He said goodbye to you and Becky, but he ignored me completely.”

  “I don't know what got into him today. Honestly, I think it was because you brought someone with you. I don't think he took it very well,” Lisa said.

  “I need you to do me a favor,” Julie said.

  “What? Why do I think you are about to get me in trouble?” Lisa asked.

  “I need his phone number. I don't have it. I can't ask Becky, because she'll tell Gavin. We all know what would happen there. He would lose it. I know you guys have it. Please, I won't tell anyone where I got it from. I just need to ask him something.”

  Lisa grabbed her phone and scrolled through her numbers.

  “Gavin will kick my ass if he finds out I gave it to you. I don't know what is going on between you and Ethan, but you two need to get past this. We are all friends, and we all spend a lot of time together. Whatever is up his ass needs to find its way out. Please be careful, Julie.”

  Julie put his number into her phone and put her phone back into her pocket.

  “I'll be fine. I have known him for fifteen years, and he has never treated me like he did tonight. He messes with me to make Gavin mad, but this was something completely different. I know better than to ever take my guard down around him. I'm much stronger than all of you give me credit for.”

  Julie hugged Lisa and thanked her before Becky came back into the room.

  Chapter 5

  Ethan drove straight to the bar. He needed to relax and unwind. There was no way he was going to any more functions with the guys and their wives. He knew better than to go to that dinner. Two of them had gotten married and were having babies. Ethan thought he could get through hearing all the lovey things they would have to say, but things changed when he saw Julie with that guy again.

  Why wasn't Gavin giving that guy a hard time? She might as well have been sitting on his lap, they were so close. The way she kept whispering in his ear was driving Ethan crazy. Julie was such a different person when her doctor boyfriend was with her. She was so serious and stuffy. When he wasn't with her, she was fun and laughed about things. Why would she be with someone who didn't bring out the best in her, he wondered? He had never felt protective over her before and had no idea why he was reacting that way.

  Ethan got a drink and sat in a corner booth. He leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes, as he let out a sigh. A picture of that day his father walked out on him and his mother appeared in his mind. He never understood how his dad could leave and never check to make sure they were okay. How could someone walk away from their family? That was why Ethan would never have a family. He watched his mother turn into a different person after that day. It was like he didn't have anyone anymore. Ethan never wanted anyone to have to count on him. If he never fell for anyone, then he could never disappoint them, and he would never have a chance to fail as a parent.

  His eyes shot open, as he felt someone slide in next to him. There was a very attractive blonde with a huge smile looking at him.

  “You okay?” she asked. “Anything I can help you with?”

  “I'm sure I can think of something,” he said.

  She reached over and starting running her hand up his leg. Sometimes he was actually surprised at how forward women were. Maybe she could help him get his mind off of what happened at dinner and how much things were bothering him. He leaned over and whispered in her ear. She responded by standing up, pulling him to his feet, and heading for the door. He left his untouched drink on the table and followed after her. Shock registered in her eyes as she took in the car he walked to. Ethan had a thing for cars. That was one of the things he chose to spend his money on. That day he had driven his brand-new black Ferrari.

  “This is your car?” she asked.

  “Get in,” he snapped.

  It was as if he could see the wheels spinning in her head, as she tried to figure out what she could get out of him. He shook his head as she got into his car and looked around. Ethan knew women could never be trusted. They were always trying to figure out what was in it for them. He knew Becky and Lisa were good to his friends, but he would never fully trust that they wouldn't hurt them.

  “Can we go to your place?” the blonde asked.

  “No, we can go to your place or you can get back out of the car,” he said.

  She was something else. All he needed was to get her into bed so he could forget about everything else for a little while. She let out a groan and gave him directions to her apartment.

  He wasted no time with small talk as the door to her apartment closed behind them. He had her clothes off and her beneath him in moments. There was no feeling or emotion in it for Ethan. He just needed to release his tensions from the day. As soon as he was done, he got up and got dressed.

  “Aren't you going to stay?” she asked.

  “I have to be up early for a meeting,” he answered coldly.

  “Can I see you again?” she whined.

  “Not sure.”

  He finished grabbing his stuff and headed out the door. Ethan never felt bad for what he did. She knew he had money. If she thought she was going to hook up with him and hit the jackpot, she was wrong. He guarded his heart and his money. Ethan worked his ass off for what he had, and he wasn't going to share it with just anybody.

  Once he was home, he took a shower and went to bed. He heard his phone beep and groaned as he reached for it. So far, he had escaped without any of the guys pestering him about what happened at dinner. He almost made it, he thought. Who was it going to be? He was shocked when it was a number he did not have programmed into his phone.

  “Are you okay?”

  Who was it, he wondered? Not many people had the number to his personal phone.

  “It depends on who this is.”

  “Oh, sorry. This is Julie.”

  “Who gave you my number? Was it John? I know it wasn't Gavin. Who was it?”

  Instantly, he felt his hands shake. She had never text him before. Who would be stupid enough to give her his number? He couldn't talk to her.

  “I have my connections. I can't tell you that privileged information. If I did, I'd have to kill you.”

  “I'm not in the mood. What do you want?”

  Ethan was so mad. Who would have given her his number? He knew it was not her brother. It had to have been his brother or one of the other guys. Why did she want it anyway? He could tell by her joking manner that she was nervous about sending him a text. When she did not respond right away, he sent another.


  “I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal if I text you. Sorry.”

  “I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Where's Dr. Boring? He's probably in bed sleeping already.” he sent.

  “Leave him alone. Why do you have to be such a jerk? He didn't do anything to you. Why were you so mean to me today? You have never given me that hard of a time. I don't know why you were acting like that.”

  “So, now I'm a jerk. Wonder what else you guys can come up with to put me down. Whatever, you know what I want to know? I want to know why that wonderful boyfriend of yours didn't stick up for you. Don't think I didn't notice.”

  “What do you mean what else us guys can come up with to put you down? Why would he need to stick up for me? What did you want him to do, go all alpha and tear your arms off? I can take care of myself with you. I have been doing a fine job of it all these years.” she sent.

  “I just don't get it. If he really cares about you like a boyfriend should, he never would have let me talk to you like that. If you were my girl, I would have crushed someone's ass for talking to you like that. I kept going and going, and the guy never said a single thing. He just sat th
ere like I wasn't even talking. It makes me so mad. He doesn't deserve to spend time with you. You should be with someone who would do anything to protect you.”

  “Someone like who? I can protect myself just fine, thank you. I don't need a man to take care of me. All they have ever done is make things worse. I had to sit there and listen to you say mean things to me one after the next, just so you could see how long it would take him to come after you. Real mature, Ethan. The only person that hurt was me. How do you know what I deserve? You can't keep your dick in your pants long enough to pay attention to anything other than an attractive woman willing to spend a couple of hours with you. I'm not your girl, and somehow I don't think you would ever stick up for me if it wouldn't benefit you. I was just worried about you after you left. I can see now, that was a mistake. I'm sorry for sending you the text. Goodbye, Ethan.”

  “You don't have to worry about me. I'll always be fine. Spend your precious time on someone who's worth it. Goodnight.”

  Ethan was so mad when he threw his phone down. He went home with the blonde to get his mind away from what had happened. After Julie's text, he was right back where he started. He knew she was right about him jumping from woman to woman, but her telling him what she thought didn't make it any better. She would never know the truth about him and the reason he was the way he was. That was fine with him, but he didn't like knowing that she thought so lowly of him. He worked so hard every day to be the man he was. There was no way anyone was going to change that.

  Chapter 6

  Julie was able to let seven weeks pass without having to see Ethan. She made sure to use work as an excuse to avoid all gatherings he might have been at. A couple of times, he was out of town and she was able to go. Lisa would tell her if he was going to be there or not, but nobody else knew that. It surprised Julie that she actually missed him. Even though he was a huge brat, she still liked being around him. Nothing went the way she thought it would that night she had text him. She thought they would get past their issues with each other and move on. The more she thought about him, the more she knew she needed to stay away.

  Julie had been to Becky and Gavin's house several times alone for dinner. She was so happy for her brother and his new bride. They were starting a family, and Julie was excited about being an aunt. Gavin had text her to let her know that he would be out of town with Ethan at a conference for a few days. He wanted her to check in with Becky and make sure she didn't need anything. They thought he was so funny. She was only twelve weeks pregnant. Julie thought it was the sweetest thing to see her brother so protective over his wife and baby.

  Julie called Becky every morning and every night to make sure everything was fine. She knew Becky was going to be the best mom ever. When Julie came out after seeing a little boy in one of her exam rooms, one of her nurses stopped her.

  “Becky called. She sounded really tired. I asked her if everything was okay. She said she needed you to call her,” the nurse said.

  Julie went into her office and shut the door. She felt her heart drop to her stomach as she dialed the phone. There is no way Becky would have called her unless something was wrong. Becky picked up her phone on the second ring.

  “Hey Becky, are you okay?” Julie asked.

  “I'm not sure. My stomach is cramping and there's some stuff. I'm sure I am overreacting, but I wanted to check with you.”

  Julie could hear Becky holding onto her tears by a thread. Her voice was so shaky.

  “It's probably nothing, but I'm on my way.”

  “No, I don't want to interrupt your work. I can wait until later. I just wanted to mention it to you.”

  “It's fine. I am leaving right now. I should be there in fifteen minutes. Just keep your feet up and rest.”

  “Thank you, Julie. I'm so sorry for bothering you.”

  “You're not bothering me. You're my sister. I'm glad you called.”

  Julie hung up the phone and let her staff know she was leaving early. She had another doctor working that day and was glad he could cover the rest of the patients. As Julie drove to Becky's, she tried to think the most positive thoughts she could. Becky was twelve weeks along, but that didn't mean she was completely in the clear. If anything was wrong, Julie knew there was nothing that could be done. She just kept thinking, let everything be okay.

  Julie called Becky's doctor on her way over to let them know she was going to bring her in. He was a great doctor Julie knew from college. When she got there, she knew to keep her emotions in check for Becky. As soon as she walked into the house, she had Becky get her shoes on and they were on their way.

  “Should we call Gavin and let him know you're going to the doctor?” Julie asked.

  “No, their flight left a few minutes ago. They will be home in a few hours. I don't want to worry him for nothing. Thank you for being here with me,” Becky said.

  “I will always be here for you. How could I not love the woman who puts up with my brother?”

  When they got to the doctor, they had Becky go back to a room right away. The doctor came in and said hello to both of them and asked Becky an assortment of questions. He let her know that he was going to have an ultrasound done and took her to a different room. She put her head back on the bed and let out a huge breath.

  “Everything's going to be okay. They need to see if there is a reason for what you are feeling. I will be here with you the whole time.”

  “I just want everything to be okay. Gavin would be devastated if anything happened and so would I. Thank you for being here. You have no idea how much that means to me. I know you are used to all of this, but it kind of freaks me out.”

  The nurse walked in and got everything ready. They were doing the ultrasound and Julie would not move her eyes from the screen. It was not going to be good news. She had been in this situation at the hospital, and that was hard enough. How do you deal with it when it's your own family? Julie held her emotions together and did everything she could not to let Becky see the sadness she was feeling. It had to come from the doctor's mouth.

  The nurse took them back into the exam room, and they waited for the doctor. Julie held Becky's hand and sat next to her. When the doctor walked in, he exchanged a knowing look with Julie. She nodded her head slightly and put her arm around Becky. As the doctor told Becky everything he needed to, Julie felt her own emotions rush to the surface. She pulled Becky closer as they both cried together over the loss that filled the room. The doctor continued to speak about what he felt needed to happen next. He wanted to do a procedure to get rid of what was left in her body from the pregnancy. Julie told the doctor that she did not want him to do it. He agreed to let Becky's body have two weeks to take care of it on its own. If it didn't, then he would do the procedure. He left them alone after telling Becky how sorry he was and that she should not let it discourage her from trying again.

  Becky and Julie stayed in the room for a little while. They cried and talked. Julie let her know that there was nothing she could have done differently. It was not anyone's fault that it happened. She assured her that it happened often to people. It just meant that something was not okay with the baby. Julie let her know that she could get pregnant again and everything could be perfectly fine.

  Becky was quiet the entire way home. Julie wanted to talk to her brother so bad. His flight was probably still in the air. She promised Becky that she wouldn't call him. Becky wanted to wait until Gavin got home, so she could tell him in person. There was no way she wanted him to find out while he was driving home or standing in the airport.

  Julie opened a new text to Ethan. She didn't want to talk to him, but she needed to know where her brother was.

  “Don't say anything to Gavin. I need to know something. No screwing around. How far away from the house are you?” she sent.

  “About fifteen minutes. He's driving. Is everything okay?”

  “No, but don't say anything to him. I am at the house with Becky. I just wanted to make sure he was on his way home.�
�� he sent.

  “What's wrong? We're on our way.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Talk to me Julie.” he sent back.

  Julie got Becky settled in her room. She got her something warm to drink and sat with her arms around her. It was so hard for Julie not to break down completely, but she knew that her friend needed her. As soon as Julie heard the key in the door, she took off for the entryway. She could hear Gavin and Ethan talking, as she jerked the door open. Both of the guys froze as soon as their eyes met hers. She could instantly feel the tears, she had been trying so hard to hold back, run down her cheeks.

  “She's in the bedroom. We just got home. She made me promise not to call you,” Julie said.

  Gavin dropped his bags and ran for the bedroom. Julie turned, walked into the living room, and fell onto the couch. She dropped her head into her hands and let out everything she had been holding in. Ethan sat next to her and put his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. Without thinking about their argument or the heated texts they had sent each other, she brought her legs up, wrapped her arms around them, and melted into his chest. They sat as she cried for what seemed like hours. When she lifted her head, she saw how soaked his t-shirt was. Ethan lifted her chin with his hand and looked into her eyes.

  “What happened?” he asked. “Is Becky okay?”

  It was the first time, since Julie had met him fifteen years ago, that Ethan had a sincere look of concern on his face.

  “She lost the baby,” Julie whispered.

  She saw his eyes widen and a look of shock cover his face. He sat silent. She had no idea what to do.

  “Ethan, are you okay?” she asked.


  This cannot be happening, he thought.