Playing Hardball: Part 5 Page 4
Me: I'll see you tomorrow.
Carrie: I love you girl.
Me: Right back at you.
I put the phone down and closed my eyes. Lance didn't love me. He'd see. It wouldn't take long. I didn't belong in his world. The man was out of my league. We did make a beautiful baby though. I wouldn't trade her for the world.
I opened my eyes to see Lance sitting in the chair with the baby in his arms. She was asleep, and he was looking down at her.
“You can't hold her every moment,” I said.
He looked up and grinned.
“Who says?” he asked.
“Me,” I said. “Who's going to hold her every second when you're out on the road?”
“You're so full of it,” he said. “You know damn well you're going to have her in yours arms all the time. The rules don't apply to you though, do they? She's got you just as wrapped around her fingers as she does me.”
“I won't be holding her every second, Lance,” I said. “I have to cook, clean that big house, and work. She will have plenty of time to herself. I just don't want her crying the whole time because she's not being held.”
“Cleaning can wait,” he said. “I'll hire someone to come in and clean the house.”
“No you won't,” I said. “You bought the house. That is more than enough.”
“I don't think so,” he said.
“They aren't going to hold her every moment at daycare either,” I said.
“Day care,” he snapped. “I don't think so.”
“Where do you think she'll be while I'm at work?” I asked.
I heard the door click and saw it start to open.
“Work?” he barked.
The door opened all the way, and my boss walked in. He was followed by Carrie, Scott, James, and Cassie.
“Did we walk in on something?” Carrie asked.
Lance was still sitting in the chair mumbling.
“No,” I said. “Come on in.”
“We need to talk,” Lance snapped at Scott.
“You most certainly do not,” I said. “He is here as a friend not the owner of the company I work for. Leave him alone.”
“You drive me crazy, woman,” he grumbled before standing from the chair.
He leaned over and put Samantha in her bed.
“Hey,” Carrie snapped.
“Momma said she can't be held all the time. She doesn't want her spoiled or some shit. Who am I to argue with her? I'm just the daddy. Apparently that doesn't mean shit.”
They were all looking at Lance. James walked over and looked up. Then he held his arms out. Lance picked him up, and James wrapped his arms around Lance's neck.
“You need a hug, Uncle Lance,” James said. “You have a baby. You're not supposed to use bad words anymore.”
It took all I had not to laugh. Lance was pissed, but I could see the smile trying to crack through that hard exterior of his.
“I do, James,” Lance said. “You're right. Thanks, bud.”
Lance hugged James and put him down. James walked over and crawled up on my bed.
“Lance is a daddy now, just like my daddy,” James said. “You're a mommy, Aunt Lucy.”
“I am, James,” I said. “Do you want to meet her?”
He nodded his head so fast I thought he was going to hurt myself.
“She's a baby,” he said. “Just like my baby sister. Can your baby be my baby too?”
“Of course she can,” I said. “Lance.”
“She's sleeping, Lucy,” he said.
“Lance,” I snapped.
He looked into my eyes and wasn't backing down. If I could have gotten up fast enough, I'd have taken his ass down. He was just pissed that I'd said I wasn't going to quit. Just when I opened my mouth to say something shitty, I heard the tiny cry.
“She's awake now,” I said. “Will you bring her to me so James can meet her?”
He grumbled under his breath and turned to pick up the baby. The moment she was in his arms, it was all gone. He was putty. That man was done. She was the luckiest girl in the world. Nobody would ever mean to that man what she did. He kissed her forehead before handing her over to me. Then he turned to Scott who was still holding the carrier with Cassie in it. Carrie held up a bag between the two men.
“Some clothes, Lance,” she said. “Lucy was tired of all the nurses watching your ass.”
“That was not why I asked you to bring them,” I snapped out at her.
“Whatever,” she said with a shrug. “Go change before you stink us all out. I even grabbed you a toothbrush. Wasn't sure which one was yours, so I grabbed a new one. Don't worry! I didn't touch the boxers. Lucy didn't want me in your pants, so I had Scott get them.”
“She didn't want you in my pants?” he asked.
“That is not what I said,” I snapped again.
“I can show him the text,” she said.
“Whatever,” I said. “Wait! No! I said it. Are you happy?”
“Very,” Carrie said. “Go unstink yourself, man. This isn't a locker room.”
Lance walked into my bathroom and started the water.
“What was that all about?” Carrie asked.
“He's pissed that I said I won't quit my job. Not sure how he thinks I'll pay the bills if I do. That man makes me so mad sometimes. He just assumes I'm going to do every little thing he says. It makes no sense. We aren't even together,” I said.
Carrie looked at me and burst into laughter.
“What's so funny?” I asked.
“Nothing,” she said.
Scott put the carrier containing a sleeping Cassie on the couch and walked back over to us. My boss walked a bit closer as well.
“It's nice to see that he cares about the baby, Lucy,” my boss said.
“I know,” I said. “I'm just not sure what I want right now. Everything moved so fast. I didn't expect to have the baby a month early. We hadn't even talked about day care or anything yet. I think he's feeling just as much stress as I am. I also think I need a more comfortable bed.”
“At least you have your own room,” he said.
“Look Mr. Positive, I get it,” I said with a laugh.
James was sitting patiently looking down at the baby.
“Can I hold her?” he asked.
“Of course,” I said.
He sat facing me, and Scott got behind him. I put the baby in his arms. He was very careful and absolutely adorable. Lance walked out of the bathroom shoving a t-shirt over his head. He walked over and stopped.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I'm holding my baby, Uncle Lance,” James said.
Lance looked at me and I watched his chest puff out.
“It's okay, man,” Scott said. “I've got my hands under her.”
Lance didn't take his eyes away from mine. I stared right back at him daring him to open his mouth. When I didn't back down, he came over and sat next to me facing them. I looked up to see his wet hair standing up and drops sliding down the back of his neck. He was so damn sexy. He leaned in close to my ear, and I felt his lips brush across my skin. Then I felt his breath on my neck and had to clench my legs. Yes, after everything I'd been through one day ago, I wanted the man.
“Like something you see?” he whispered.
My body shivered, but I didn't say a word. His head got even closer to my ear.
“I bet if I reached down between those sweet thighs, you'd be so damn wet for me. Even with all of them here, you still want my dick.”
He whispered so damn quiet, and it still sent so many little sparks through my body. I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth and bit down on it.
“Knock it off,” Carrie said, as she glared at him.
He looked at her but his mouth was right next to my ear.
“You'll get it, babe,” he said. “I'll give you all the dick you want. Your cocky mouth is getting to me, and I have just the thing to close it.”
“Lance,” Carrie snapped.
bsp; I knew my face was probably more red than ever.
“What?” Lance asked innocently, as he bit my ear before pulling away.
“Isn't that how you had this?” she asked, as she pointed down at the baby.
“Not exactly,” he answered. “I think you need to have a talk about where babies come from with your woman, Scott.”
I pulled my arm back and got him in the stomach just before we all burst into laughter.
“Aunt Lucy,” James said.
“Yes,” I said.
“Your baby is so cute. I'll help you take care of her. Daddy said I'm a big brother and that I need to keep all the boys away from Cassie. Can I do that for your baby too?”
“That would be great,” Lance said. “I'm going to need so much help keeping the boys away. Will you help me? She doesn't have a big brother.”
“I will,” James said. “What's your baby's name?”
“Samantha,” I said. “We're going to call her Sammie.”
“Sam,” he said.
Then he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. I laughed, as I looked back at Lance. James hadn't seen him kiss her there, but that was her daddy's spot. Lance had the biggest smile on his face.
“I'm going to keep all the boys away from you, Sam. I'll always be there when you need me. I love you.”
I felt my heart melt as James spoke to her. He was the cutest little boy. He looked at her like she was the most special thing in the world.
“I might have to watch him,” Lance whispered in my ear for only me to hear.
I shook my head and looked back at him.
“Knock it off,” I said. “I feel so sorry for her. You're going to be a pain in the ass.”
“I will protect my daughter,” he said. “There's nothing wrong with that.”
“No there isn't,” Scott said.
“See,” Lance said. “I'm not the only one that feels that way about his little girl.”
“You two are something else,” Carrie said.
“I'm so glad everything worked out, Lucy,” my boss said. “We'll all be missing you, especially at the meetings.”
“I know they'll be boring without me. Scott said I can work at home the second six weeks,” I said.
“He told me,” my boss said. “That's fine with me. Bring the baby to visit.”
“I will,” I said.
Then I heard Lance growl from behind me.
“Will you knock it off,” I said.
“She shouldn't be out in public. She's just a baby,” he said.
I shook my head. My boss walked over and hugged me.
“He just cares about his baby,” he said. “That's a good thing, Lucy.”
“I know,” I said.
My boss left, and Lance took the baby from James so he could feed her.
“I can feed her,” I said.
“Just relax and visit,” he said. “I want to spend as much time with her as I can.”
The door opened and Carrie's mom walked in with her always happy smile.
“Where's that baby?” she asked.
“Over there with daddy,” I said.
She hugged Carrie and Scott before making her way to me. Then James grabbed onto her for his hug. She walked over to the carrier and leaned in to see Cassie. Then she made her way to Lance. She leaned in to hug him before looking down at the baby.
“Such a proud dad,” she said.
“You have no idea,” he said.
“She's a lucky little girl,” she said.
“That's what I say,” he said with a smile.
“How's it going?” she asked.
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” he said.
She waited for him to continue, but he just sat there.
“Spill it, Lance,” she said.
“I have to leave in a couple of days. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to stay with Lucy for a week while I'm gone. I'll be back for five days after that. I'd rather she not be home alone so quickly. She's been through a lot.”
Carrie's mom looked over at me, and I threw my hands up in the air.
“I have nothing to say. It won't do any good,” I said.
“You're learning,” he said.
“What?” I snapped.
“Nothing,” he said. “Not a thing. I'm just feeding my little girl.”
“It would be good to have someone with you, Lucy. Your body's been through a lot,” Carrie said.
I shot her a look.
“Just my opinion,” she said.
“I'd be happy to stay,” Carrie's mom said. “I have a feeling it'll be entertaining to say the least.”
“Very funny,” I said. “He won't even be there. He'll be at his apartment.”
I knew exactly what I was doing and wasn't surprised when yet another growl came from his chest.
“Is that all you do?” Carrie asked. “You know you're not a damn animal.”
“I need to go get something to eat,” he said, as he stood.
Carrie's mom held her arms out.
“Right here,” she said.
“Can I get you anything, Firecracker?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said with a smile. “If you wouldn't mind, could you.”
“You know what?” he snapped. “Never mind. Do not finish that sentence.”
Lance walked out of the room and Scott looked over at me.
“Stop messing with my boy. You're going to make his head explode,” he said, as he scooped James into his arms and walked out after Lance.
As soon as the door closed the three of us burst into laughter.
“You are horrible, Lucy,” Carrie's mom said.
Cassie woke up crying, and I held my hands out. Carrie got her out and handed her over. I was looking down at her when the door opened and a nurse walked in. She looked at the baby in my arms and then over at Carrie's mom.
“You freaked me out for a second,” she said with a smile.
She checked on the baby and on me, and then she was on her way. The three of us talked about the babies and any other thing that came to mind.
“How's everything between you and Lance?” Carrie's mom asked.
“He's been really good. Each time Sammie woke up, he took care of her. He loves her so much. He wants to hold her every second though.”
“I didn't ask how he was with her. I asked how the two of you were, Lucy,” she said. “Don't even think about changing the subject either.”
I let my head fall back against my pillow.
“I don't know. He told me he loved me. Can you believe that? I tried to tell him it was just because of everything that happened yesterday. We were all scared. He needs to let some time pass. He'll be fine.”
“You think that's all he needs?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said. “I told him some things I've never told anyone before. It won't be long and he'll be back to normal. He doesn't want a relationship. He's just worried about yesterday. Once he's back on the road with the team, he'll be fine. He's pissed because I won't quit my job. He bought a house for me to live in. What else does he think he needs to do? I have bills to pay. He doesn't get it. He makes millions, so he doesn't realize things don't just happen for everyone. I need to work. He's lost his damn mind.”
“Is he really going to the apartment?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said. “I told him once the baby was here he needed to stay at the apartment. He can have the house instead if he wants, but he said no.”
“He only has a few days at home before he has to leave for a week. If he's at the apartment, he won't be around for you and the baby,” she said.
“Sure he will,” I said. “He doesn't need to be there every second with us. He needs some time to himself as well.”
Carrie and her mom looked at each other but neither of them said a word.
“Things are going to settle down for him soon. I can't have him thinking we're going to live together. He seems happy that he'll be around more. He'll hav
e practice and stuff, but he'll have more time at home. He's a great dad. I'll give him that.”
“Do you care about him?” Carrie's mom asked.
“Of course I do,” I said. “He's my child's father.”
Carrie's mom shook her head.
“You need an ass kicking, Lucy. You are going to lose a man that loves you,” she said.
I looked at her, but I didn't respond.
“That's the point,” she said. “Isn't it? That's what you're trying to do. You're purposely pushing him away so that he won't love you.”
You have no idea how thankful I was when the door opened again. She looked over at me.
“We are not done with this conversation, Lucy Stone.”
From the look in her eyes, I knew she meant it.
Chapter 7
I'd had some time to calm down from all of the shit Lucy had been giving me. We weren't done discussing things. She needed to give in. I wasn't having our daughter in day care when I had millions of dollars. Her mother needed to be home with her. Why would she even want to work? I get that she loved her job, but wasn't the baby more important?
When we walked back into the room, I knew there was major conversation being interrupted. Lucy looked like her head was going to blow. I scooped my baby into my arms and kissed her forehead. Lucy looked up at me.
“I know she's asleep. Don't you dare give me shit, woman,” I said before she had a chance to say anything. “I want to hold my daughter.”
“I didn't say a word, Big Daddy,” she said with a smile.
The next few days were great. Some of the guys came to visit. That was nice. Lucy felt weird around them, I could tell. She was comfortable around Jerry and Josh since she'd met them before. It was a pain being in the hospital and not getting sleep. I was glad I could be there every minute though. If I'd have had to leave them, I wasn't sure I could have. Carrie and her family had gone home already, and Carrie's mom was at the house. I'd owe that woman big time.
We were finally ready to leave. I couldn't wait to have my girls home where I knew they would be safe and cared for. As soon as I pulled up the driveway, I looked over at Lucy.
“Let me take Samantha in and I'll be right back out,” I said. “Please stay put.”
“I can walk in,” she said.
“No,” I said. “I will come back out and get you.”