Hacked by Love, Part 2 Page 6
“They've got me,” I said, as I shook my head. “I've been able to get through anything in much less time.”
“They're the government,” she said. “I sure hope it's harder than anything else.”
“I guess I didn't think it would be. I didn't do it, Sammie. I failed. I've never failed when it comes to computers. I don't know what I'm going to do. They'll never offer me a permanent job if I can't do this. That job is my dream.”
“So you want to move states away from us?” she asked.
“That's not what I said,” I answered. “You don't get it. What's even worse is that she might have gotten through it. If she did, I'm done. They'll give me the boot right now. I'll never get a chance like this again.”
“Don't you know any other, I don't know, hacker people?” she asked.
I shook my head again and laughed.
“Hacker people?” I asked.
“You know, people that do this stuff. Can't they help you?” she asked.
“No,” I said. “Are you kidding me. If I showed this stuff to anyone, they'd have my ass. I'd probably be in jail or something. I can't do that.”
“Do you think she did it?” Sammie asked.
“Honestly, I'm so damn afraid she might have. I feel like a failure. I'm just not sure.”
“The whole point is that it is unbreakable, right?” she asked, as she pulled up to one of the departure doors.
“Yes,” I said.
“Maybe they'll be happy you couldn't do it,” she said with a shrug. “They'll know they did their job right.”
I grabbed my bag, opened the car door, and got out.
“Maybe they'll think I don't know shit since I couldn't do it,” I said, as I shut the door and walked toward the building.
That flight seemed so much longer than the one there the time before. I tried to listen to music and get something done on my laptop, but I couldn't concentrate. Not that it was any different than the three months before it. I felt like I was losing it. I wasn't the kind of guy to wish bad on someone, but part of me was hoping so badly that Lauren hadn't gotten anywhere either. It wasn't because of her mouth or the messages. It wasn't about her failing either. It was totally so I didn't look like the failure I felt like.
I walked out of the airport and took a deep breath in and out the moment I saw the sign with my name on it. Please let this go well, I thought as I walked toward the car and got in when the driver opened the door for me.
Chapter 12
The driver took me right to their offices. Our meeting was later in the day, so I'd flown in right before it. They booked me a room for the night and booked my return flight for the following morning. As stressed as I'd been for three straight months, I was looking forward to one night alone to relax and hopefully refresh before heading home.
I walked into that lobby for the third time feeling much less confident than I had before. The same woman came down to take me to the same conference room. It felt weird being there again, and I couldn't help but wonder if it would be my last time.
When the door opened and I was greeted by the same man with a huge smile on his face, I felt like I was going to be sick. How could I tell them I'd failed, I wondered? What were they going to think of me? Would they think it was because I was a girl? Fuck that, I thought. I was just thinking that because of what Lance had said the last time. They wouldn't treat me any different than they would a guy, right?
“Good afternoon, Lauren,” the man said.
“Hello,” I said.
“Did you have a nice flight?” he asked.
“Yes,” I answered, wanting so badly to avoid the pleasant conversation and instead get right down to the you suck part. “Thank you.”
“We're just waiting for Lance to arrive. He's on his way from the airport now. Have a seat.”
The same man that I'd noticed shaking my hand a bit more than I liked the first time hopped up from his chair to pull the one next to him out for me. I felt a bit strange about it but quickly took the seat.
The guys at the table were talking about work. I tried to listen to them, but the guy next to me started talking.
“I'm not sure if you remember, but my name is Eric,” he began. “I hear your staying in town tonight. If you'd like to see some sites, let me know.”
“Thank you so much for the offer, but I think I'm just going to stay in my room for the evening. I'm looking forward to getting a little sleep before my flight tomorrow,” I replied.
“I get it,” he said. “Let me give you my number. If you have any questions or need any help on the project, don't hesitate to call.”
He handed me a small piece of folded paper, and I slipped it into my pocket next to my phone. I had no intention of using his number, but I didn't want to be rude. Then I thought about how hard I was struggling and had no idea how Lance was doing. Maybe the guy could help. Maybe I should keep his number, I thought.
There was a knock at the door, and I felt my stomach flutter. When the door opened, and I saw Lance, a strange feeling hit me, and I felt like I couldn't breathe.
“You okay?” Eric asked in a whisper, as he moved a bit closer.
“I'm good,” I answered, making sure not to look in his direction, not that I could have even if I'd wanted to.
My eyes traveled down and back up Lance's body slowly. When I noticed his hair unruly like his hand had just gone through it, I felt a tiny shiver run through me. That hair was so damn sexy, and for just one second, I wanted to run my own hand through it.
“Have a seat and we'll get started.”
Those words snapped me back to reality. Lance looked exhausted and worn out. I wasn't sure if it was because he was in the same boat I was or if it was just wishful thinking on my part.
“We brought you both here today to discuss your progress on the project,” the main guy jumped right in. “Which one of you would like to start?”
I could feel Lance looking at me from his spot across the table, but I wasn't about to look up at him. There was no way I was attracting any attention to myself. The moment I heard his voice, I felt instant relief. However, that relief only lasted a second if that.
“I'd be happy to,” he said. “But I think it should be ladies first. That's the polite way to do it, right?”
I didn't say anything and the guy next to me leaned over toward me.
“Go ahead,” he whispered. “You'll do great.”
“Thank you so much, Lance, but you can go first. I'm anxious to hear what you have to say,” I said, totally unsure of what else to do. There was no way I could go first. If he'd succeeded, I was out of there, and if he didn't, we were both screwed, but I wasn't confessing first.
“Okay,” the main guy said, looking down the table toward both of us. “It seems that neither of you are excited to speak, and that worries me. I remember you both being here together the last time. If one of you had come through already, you would have been itching to blurt it out to the other. I'm going to guess that neither of you have gotten through yet.”
I looked up at Lance and felt a little calm come over me. I wasn't sure why, I'd totally blown it. The look on his face told me that he'd blown it too.
“I didn't,” I said in a defeated tone. I wasn't someone to let my guard down, but I couldn't help it. “I worked my ass off too. It wasn't for lack of trying. It's pretty solid.”
“I feel the same way,” Lance said. “This is the first time I've ever been stumped.”
“Are you saying it's solid like we're good here?” the guy asked.
“I'm sure it can be gotten through,” Lance said before I could say anything. “I know it can. I just have to figure out how to get through it. There's a way, I can feel it.”
“Lauren?” the man asked, turning his attention to me. “Do you agree with Lance, or do you think it's perfect?”
“There are new ways to get through every day,” I answered honestly. “I don't think it's unbreakable, and I'm going to
work very hard to figure out what that way is.”
“You both agree that it can be gotten through, but neither of you have been able to do it. That's very interesting.”
I didn't say a word, and neither did Lance. I think we were both lost in what they were wanting us to tell them.
“Well,” the guy said. “We have a few more months, but I need to see something soon if we're going to continue to pay the both of you. I honestly thought one of you would have had a solution today, but you don't. The moment you have something, I want you to let me know. If you get through, you call me. I don't care how you do it. If you think you can get in, do it. Maybe it's perfect the way it is. We did work our asses off on it.”
I knew he was giving back a bit of what I'd given him and couldn't help but smile. He stood up from the table signaling that the meeting was over, and I stood as well. Eric stood and leaned in close.
“If you need anything, you have my number,” he whispered.
Then he stood and reached out to shake my hand.
“It was nice seeing you both again,” he said, as he shook my hand a bit too long and then leaned across the table to shake Lance's hand.
Lance's eyes narrowed, and he shook his hand quickly before turning toward the door.
“You'll be riding to the hotel together. Try and get some rest. We need you both on your game when you go back home,” the man said, as he walked ahead of us and pushed the button in the elevator.
The doors closed, and I was sure Lance was going to say something nasty and assholish, but he didn't. He never said a word. I followed behind him to the car that had both of our things in it. He motioned for me to get in ahead of him. I sat down and moved over making sure to keep my eyes on him the entire time. He got in and the door closed behind him.
“What's your deal?” I asked after a few minutes of driving. I couldn't take the silence.
“No deal,” was all he said.
“Come on,” I said.
“What?” he asked. “What do you want me to say?”
“Something,” I answered. “Anything.”
“There's not much to say,” he said. “This whole thing is getting to me. Is that what you want me to say. I didn't do it. I failed. Are you happy?”
“No,” I said. “I failed too.”
“What's up with that anyway?” he asked. “What were all those messages supposed to do? Were they to distract me from my work, or were they supposed to scare me into thinking you were going to win?”
“You didn't win either,” I said in a snotty tone I could not stop. The man was pissing me off. I could smell his sexy ass on my side of the car, and it was bugging me. “I could still kick your ass.”
“Then go ahead,” he said. “Maybe Eric will help you.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I snapped out.
“Don't give me that shit,” he said in a rough tone that send a chill right through me. “You were late to the last meeting, and they never said a word.”
“It was your fault I was late in the first place,” I said. “You were the one that left my room knowing damn well I didn't have a clock set.”
“That's not my fault,” he snapped. “I was on time. You should have been too. How was I supposed to know you didn't set your alarm? Don't act like that fucker wasn't closer to you than he would have been to me if I'd been sitting in your seat. He probably saved that seat just for you. Are you meeting up with him later too?”
“No,” I said much louder than I should have. “I told him I was staying in my room.”
“He fucking asked you?” Lance snapped so loud I jumped in my seat.
“That's not my fault,” I said. “I didn't do anything for him to think I might possibly want to go anywhere with him.”
“Whatever,” he said, as he turned toward the window.
“So you were just ignoring my messages then?” I asked.
“Don't even start,” he said. “It wasn't like you wanted to talk. You were clearly fucking with me.”
I was so glad he was looking out that window when he said that. I'd totally thought about fucking with him alright. The driver stopped in front of the hotel doors, and I'd never been happier to be able to get fresh air before. I hurried out of the car while the driver was on the other side holding the door for us to get out there. I grabbed my bag from the trunk of the car and hurried inside to try to get away from Lance. I stepped up to the woman at the desk just as Lance was coming through the door. She began checking me in while the man next to her called Lance forward to check him in. The woman in front of me had just handed me a key and piece of paper with my room number on it when I heard the man say Lance's room number. I quickly handed my key card back to the woman that had just handed it to me.
“I need a room on a different floor,” I said.
“I'm sorry,” she said. “There was no request for a certain floor in the computer for you. We have no other rooms available. The hotel is booked solid.”
I let out a sigh, reached forward, and took my key card back from her. Then I grabbed my bag and hurried to elevator. It felt like I'd stood there forever willing the darn thing to open before the doors finally let me in. I quickly pushed the button for my floor and hit the close door button, but it didn't work. I hadn't been able to move quick enough. Lance's foot went between the doors just as they were closing. As soon as the doors opened on our floor, I stepped out and began moving down the hall. The man helping him at the desk had just said his room number, so I knew it was only four away from mine. I slid the card through the thing on the door, hurried inside, and closed the door as fast as it would allow me. I'd made it. I was free of him. I put my bag down on the chair in the room and fell back onto the bed. All I needed to clear my mind and be ready to kick some Locksmith ass was a little relaxation.
I hadn't changed into the sweats I'd brought or even pulled back the covers. It didn't matter. I was already too comfortable to move. Before I knew it, I felt my eyes fighting to say open. A little nap wouldn't hurt anything, I thought to myself. I'd still have plenty of time to read, eat, and maybe even swim. I quit fighting to keep my eyes open and let them close. A few minutes was all I needed.
Chapter 13
I walked through the door of my room happy to be alone. I'd be home the next day, and that was something I was looking forward to. I grabbed some sweats and a t-shirt out of my bag, quickly changed, and plopped down on my bed with my laptop and the television remote. The moment the laptop came to life, I honestly expected a shitty message, but there was nothing there. I turned on a show and sat back while I messed around on my laptop.
It didn't take long before my mind went to her. That seemed to be my new normal, and I couldn't figure out why. She was an irritating pain-in-the-ass, but she had another side too. If I hadn't made the huge mistake of going into her room, everything would have been different. I'd made that mistake, and she seemed to have moved into my head and become a permanent fixture. I had no idea how, but I knew I had to get her out of my head.
My mind went back to the meeting earlier and that fucker sitting so damn close to her. If he could have gotten in her lap, he would have. Then he leaned in to whisper to her. It took all I had not to cross that table and move him. Hadn't he ever heard of personal space, I wondered? I had no claim to her. We'd only been together once, but that guy was pushing every button I had. When they stood up, he went to shake her hand and held onto it while he leaned in to whisper again. I could feel my blood boiling from across the table.
I was going to behave the whole ride to the hotel, that was my plan anyway. If Lauren would have just kept her mouth shut, I would have been fine. She couldn't do that though. I'm not sure why I expected any different. I'm not sure her mouth ever closed. Well it did sometimes, I thought with a laugh. When she started her shit, I couldn't control my own mouth. That was unusual for me. I was a nice person, but she seemed to bring out the cranky asshole in me. When I mentioned Eric, I was jus
t being a dick. Not for one second did I think he'd really asked her out. When she said that she'd turned him down, I was pissed. Not at her, more at him. Maybe I was just pissed in general. I couldn't believe the guy had the balls to make a play for her in the middle of a meeting like that. He needed a swift kick in the ass. She wasn't mine to protect. I knew that, but it didn't stop me from wanting to.
I finally said screw it, shut my computer off, turned off the television, and got ready for a swim. The moment I stepped into the elevator, I thought about her and the things I'd have liked to do in there with her. Her dark hair had been up on top of her head earlier, and through all of her pissy attitude at the front desk, some of the strands had fallen in front of her eyes. It took all I had not to laugh when she tried to blow them out of the way like a character from a cartoon, but they just fell right back where they were. She was all cranky as she stomped out of the elevator and took off down the hall like the floor was on fire. Did she really think getting into the room and closing the door was going to make everything better? Just the thought of me four rooms away was probably still driving her crazy, I knew it did me.
When I got to the pool, I looked around for her, but she wasn't there. I would have loved to have seen her in a bikini with water slipping down between those sexy, perfect breasts. A few times, I'd thought for sure she had walked in, but I was wrong. There were half dressed, sexy women all around the pool, but she was the only one I could think about. It made no sense to me either. I should have been happy to have escaped her. If I was lucky, she'd stay in her room all night, and I wouldn't have to see her at all. That was exactly what I needed to be thinking.
The pool gave me no relaxation like it should have, so I went back to my room. The longer I sat, the more I thought about the room down the hall. Where was she? What was she doing? Had she eaten yet?
I jumped in the shower to wash off the little water I did get on me in the pool. Then I got dressed. I needed to eat, but I didn't feel like sitting alone in one of the two restaurants in the hotel. Without a second thought, I pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and headed down to the bar. Did I plan to spend the evening alone, I wasn't sure. Was I hoping she'd find her way there like she had the last time, maybe. She definitely was unlike anyone I'd ever met before. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad. The one thing I did know was that she was the only one I'd ever thought twice about after one night with her. Even through all of the shit she'd given me, I still couldn't get her out of my head.