Saved by Love (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #1) Page 9
Gavin stayed at the gym on the nights his parents had dinner with Jack's family. He'd made sure not to get home until they'd be gone. That way he wouldn't have to come up with an excuse not to go. It was the fourth dinner night he'd missed, and he couldn't wait to have the house to himself for a couple of hours. When he rounded the corner and pulled into the driveway, he let out a sigh and turned his car off.
“What the hell?” he asked aloud, as he got out of his car with his bag in his hand.
There were two cars in the driveway that did not belong there. One was Jack's parents. The other was Gracie's. He couldn't just leave, someone had already looked out the curtain in the front window. It was still shaking. Gavin put the same smile on that he'd been wearing for weeks, and with a shaky hand, he slowly opened the front door. He wasn't even through the door when Lisa wrapped her arms around his neck tighter than he'd been hugged in weeks. His arms wrapped around her, but he barely held her back.
“It's so good to see you,” she said.
“You too,” he replied.
“Come eat with us,” she said, as she pulled away from hugging him.
“I'm going to shower,” he said.
“You need to come eat before you run from me,” she said, as she looked him in the eye.
“I'm not running,” he said. “I'm really sweaty. I've been at the gym for hours.”
“How are you doing?” she asked.
Really, he thought to himself. Why did she care how he was? She was the one they should be worried about, her son was gone.
“Good,” he said.
“He's been at the gym every day,” his mom said, as she walked up with Josh.
“That's good,” Josh said, as he pulled him into a hug. “We missed you. We figured we'd come here if you were just going to blow us off again.”
“I'm going to shower,” Gavin said. “I'll see you later.”
He moved to step away and saw Gracie from the corner of his eye. There was no making out the look on her face. Was it sadness or hate, he wondered? Making sure not to make eye contact with her, he turned and took off up the stairs. He dropped his gym bag in his room, closed the door as he stepped back out, and walked the few feet down the hall to the bathroom.
Gavin turned on the water as hot as he could and stepped under it. Why was she there? She needed to go home. He wasn't ready to face her and the feelings she most definitely had toward him. She was all he thought about some days. There was supposed to be something there, he thought. She was the one he'd wanted when he was gone. It was her that kept him going. He hoped she felt the same and couldn't wait to get home to her. All of that changed the day Jack died. Gavin felt so horrible for her. She'd lost her only brother. He was glad she had Ethan. Gavin knew there was no way he deserved anything but hate from her.
The water poured down his back. He could feel pain at each spot that was scaring. It was a reminder of what he'd done to his best friend. The little pain he was feeling was nothing. Each time he showered, he felt that pain. It would never go away, and that was his fault.
When he stepped out of the shower, the room was full of steam. He dried off the best he could, wrapped one towel around his waist, and threw another over his head to dry his hair. He looked into the hall to make sure nobody was coming. His parents still hadn't seen his chest or back. All they'd seen were his arms, and those weren't too bad. Even those he kept covered as much as possible.
Gavin opened his bedroom door and stepped in, as he reached up to dry his hair the rest of the way. When he pulled the towel away from his face, he jumped back. Gracie was sitting on his bed with her arms folded over her chest. Her eyes were wide as they traveled up and down his chest. Shit! He knew she was looking at his scars, and the look on her face wasn't something he needed to see. Gavin quickly covered his chest with the towel and narrowed his eyes at her.
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” he snapped.
Chapter 23
Gracie was so pissed. Gavin had been home for three weeks and hadn't spoken to her or answered one message. She thought for sure the “Coward” one would have gotten some kind of response out of him, but it didn't. She thought they'd grown close while he was in the service. A huge part of her thought they would be together when he got back. Another part of her was so mad about her brother. She was constantly at war with her feelings about Gavin. It didn't matter how she felt though, he'd come home being a total jerk to her. Sure, he said nothing. That was what made him an asshole.
When she heard him talking to her parents, she had to see him. She saw him look over at her. Then he walked right by without one damn word. She'd been so worried about him, and he never even cared. There was no way to fight the anger she was feeling toward him. It was filling her, and she couldn't take it any longer.
The second Gracie heard the water turn off, she excused herself from the table and took off up the stairs. She knew their parents would think she needed the bathroom. That was fine with her, but she honestly didn't care what anyone thought anymore. She stopped outside his door and nervously turned the handle. Then she walked in and closed the door behind her. What would he say, she wondered? She surely had no idea what was going to come out of her mouth. Sitting on the edge of his bed, she crossed her arms over her chest and prepared herself for what was to come. Either way, she was getting some answers. He could hate her and her thoughts of them being together could be gone, or she could find out he felt the same. It didn't matter anymore. She just wanted to see him. She needed to know he was really okay.
As soon as she heard him turn the knob, she wished she could twinkle her nose and get back down to the dining room. Her stomach tightened, and she felt like she was going to be sick. He was looking down while drying his hair as he walked through the door. The second she saw his chest and the scars, she knew her eyes widened in shock. They must hurt, she thought to herself. There were so many of them. She let her eyes move down and back up his chest. That was when she realized he wasn't drying his hair anymore, but he was looking at her with a mean look on his face. Then he quickly covered his chest with the towel.
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” he snapped out at her.
She couldn't help but jump at his tone. He'd never spoken to her like that in all the years she'd known him. Her eyes moved to his. She didn't respond, but she did pull her shoulders back a bit.
“Well,” he snapped again.
“You haven't answered me since you got home,” she said in a mousy voice that pissed her off.
“Did I before I came home?” he asked.
“No,” she said with a little more confidence.
“Then why would I now?” he asked a little less rough.
“Gavin,” she said.
“Don't bother sending more,” he said.
Gavin walked over, reached in the drawer, and threw the pieces to his phone on the bed.
“What happened?” she asked. “Your mom said you had a new phone.”
“You called me a coward,” he said roughly again. “That's what happened. Now I don't have to see that shit.”
“Gavin,” she said softly again.
“Get out of my room,” he said. “Not like you want to be here anyway. Where's Ethan?”
“How the fuck would I know?” she snapped for the first time.
Without a word, he pointed to his door.
“Gavin,” she growled.
“You were writing because Jack made you. You don't have to do that anymore,” he said.
Gracie thought his tone was sad but was sure she was wrong. Without thinking, she shook her head.
“Do not shake your head at me,” he said roughly again. “You only did it for him and you know it.”
“We need to talk,” she said.
“No, we don't,” he replied. “I already know every single thing you have to say to me. I'm sure I've said it all to myself more than enough times already. I need to get dressed.”
“Let me see your chest,” she said, as she stood up.
“No,” he said. “Get out of my room.”
“Do they hurt?” she asked, feeling sad for what he'd gone through.
“That is the least of my pain,” he said. “I'm going to say it one more time, get out of my room, Gracie.”
“Gavin,” she whispered.
“Now!” he yelled.
Gracie jumped at his tone.
“Fuck you!” were her departing words, as she took off from his room back down to the table.
She sat with the smile she'd gotten used to having on her face and finished her food. Her mom had disappeared for a bit to the bathroom. When she came back with Gavin, he looked completely different. He had the biggest smile on his face. There was no anger in his tone. He was full of shit and Gracie knew it. She sat through him talking for a bit, but she couldn't take it anymore. He was doing the same thing she was. He was feeding them all exactly what they wanted to hear. The shit got too deep for her to handle, and she pushed back from the table.
“I'm going to get going,” she said. “I have to work early tomorrow.”
She hugged her parents and then his. Then she was gone. On her way home, she stopped at the bar not far from her place. It was her new normal. She'd been doing it on dinner nights for three weeks. That last week, she'd even made a few stops during the week as well.
Chapter 24
The moment Gracie left his room, he looked in the mirror at his chest. Then he quickly pulled a shirt with sleeves over his head to cover himself. Gavin pulled on sweats, grabbed the pieces from his phone off the bed, and threw them back in the drawer. He was sitting on the bed when he heard a light knock.
“Leave me alone,” he growled out, not ready to deal with her shit again.
The door opened, and Lisa walked in. He stood immediately.
“I'm sorry about that,” he said.
“You need to eat. It's time to stop running from me,” she said, as she stepped into his room.
“I totally forgot about dinner,” he said. “I'm tired. I worked hard today. I'm trying to build myself back up.”
“You've avoided dinner for three weeks. It's not happening anymore. Pull your shit together and get your ass downstairs.”
“Lisa,” he said.
“Don't you give me any shit,” she said. “These past few months have been the hardest of my life. I lost my son. I won't lose you too. We love you, Gavin.”
Seeing the sad look on her face let him know that he couldn't hurt any of them any more than he already had. He'd let Gracie down. He'd let them all down. He'd especially let his best friend down. There was no way he could cause any more hurt.
“I love you too,” he said with a smile that was so damn hard to put in place.
“Come eat,” she said.
Gavin nodded and walked out of his room behind her.
“How are you really doing?” she asked over her shoulder.
“As good as can be expected,” he answered honestly.
“Me too,” was all she said.
Gavin sat through dinner with that same smile. When nobody questioned him, he was relieved and kept smiling.
“Where's Nate?” he asked.
“At a friend's house,” his mom answered.
“I hear you're not going back in,” Josh said.
“They decided it's best for me not to,” Gavin answered. “I'm still healing.”
“How's your arm and head?” Josh asked.
“Fine,” Gavin said. “I'm working hard to get my body back to normal.”
“What are you thinking about doing now?” Josh asked.
That was a loaded question. They all looked at him waiting to see what he was going to say. Even his dad's eyes were glued on him. Gavin knew he wanted his own place. The only way to do that was to get a job. There was one job he was guaranteed. He didn't want it, but it was his only solution.
“I was thinking about working with my dad,” he answered.
“What?” his dad asked in surprise.
“I have to start somewhere,” he replied. “If you don't mind, I'd like to check out working with you. I still think Julie is the one that should take it over.”
“I'm not so sure,” his dad said.
“Why?” Gavin asked.
“I don't want to talk to about it,” his dad answered with a sad tone. “I'd love to have you there with me.”
Gavin heard Gracie make a strange noise. Everyone turned to look at her.
“Sorry,” she said, as she stood. “I'm going to get going. I have to work early tomorrow.”
She hugged each of the parents and quickly left. Gavin looked over at Lisa.
“How is she doing?” he asked.
“She's been doing really well. She works more hours than she ever has. Josh has been telling her to slow down. She's been bugging him to open another restaurant. I can't believe how dedicated she is. It keeps her very busy. The only time we see her is dinner on Sundays anymore, unless I catch her at one of the restaurants.”
The minute Jack's parents were gone, Gavin pulled his dad aside.
“I'd like to get my own place,” Gavin said.
“Really?” his dad asked.
“I need my space. I'm not used to living at home anymore. I'd like to take that step. I have some money saved. Working with you will make it possible.”
“I get it,” his dad said. “Let me know when you find something.”
Gavin took off up the stairs on a mission. He sat back on his bed with his laptop on his lap and started searching. The thought of working with his dad made him cringe, but he knew he had to do it. There weren't any other options as quick as that. He needed his own space. His dreams of Jack and that day were coming more often and seemed to be getting worse. Gavin needed to move out, and he knew right where he was going to live. Things didn't seem right about Gracie. He'd promised Jack he'd keep her safe. It didn't mean he had to talk to her. They didn't have to be friends. If he lived in the same apartment complex she did, he could watch her without her ever knowing it.
Chapter 25
Gracie was able to get out of the next dinner. It was at Gavin's parents' house again. She wasn't feeling well and was going to get some extra sleep. That was her excuse anyway. It worked perfectly.
She'd thought about Gavin every single day for two weeks. It was driving her crazy. Part of her wanted to beat the shit out of him for everything she was feeling. Another part wanted him to care about her at least a tiny bit. That wasn't going to happen though. He'd snapped at her in his bedroom that day. She could still see him standing there, unguarded, while her eyes scanned his scars. He was gorgeous. His chest and abs were rock hard. She wanted to reach out and run her fingers across each scar. They had to hurt, she'd thought. When he snapped at her, she couldn't help but jump. It wasn't like him. In all the years she'd known him, she'd never heard him use a tone so rough before.
Gracie pulled into her parents' driveway the following week and took a deep breath before getting out of her car. There was no getting out of dinner. She had to help her dad cook. It was something she did each time they had dinner at their house.
“Maybe he won't be here,” she whispered, as she got out of her car.
She'd only talked to her mom once during those two weeks. The rest were just text messages. It was much easier that way. She hadn't asked if Gavin had started working with his dad. She was hoping he didn't. It wasn't what he wanted. Part of her not wanting him there was selfish. She catered his dad's meetings that he had at the office, and she didn't feeling like running into him. Thankfully she hadn't had to be there since the day she'd seen him at his parents'.
“Are you going to stand out there all day?” Gracie jumped when she heard her dad.
She'd been standing in the driveway, looking up at the sky, lost in thought.
“Sorry,” she said, as she plastered on her smile and moved forward to
hug her dad.
“I've missed you,” her dad said. “You need to slow down.”
“If I need a break, I'll take one,” she said. “Everything is going great.”
She pulled away from him and headed in to hug her mom. Then she quickly got to the kitchen and jumped right into cooking.
“I don't know how you do it,” her dad said with a laugh.
“I bet you did when you were my age,” she replied.
“What is that supposed to mean?” he asked. “I could still cook circles around you if I wanted to.”
“Sure you could,” she said with sarcasm in her tone.
“Your old man isn't so bad,” he said. “I'd still kick some ass.”
“Okay,” she said. “How's everything going?”
One of Gracie's greatest memories was standing in the kitchen cooking with her dad. She could remember him pulling up a chair for her to stand on. He'd even gotten a whole set of cooking tools just for her. They'd stand there for hours making dinner. Her brother shared the firefighter side of her dad. For her, it was all cooking and restaurants. It was like he was two different men.
“Everyone is doing good,” her dad said, snapping her out of her thoughts. “John and Sandy are in Hawaii. Heath and Tara just got back from seeing the boys. I'm sure you know how Ethan and Julie are from Little Ethan. Jessie and Julie are so ready to be done with school. Becky is not happy that both girls stayed at school for the summer. You know they have an apartment. Gavin is working for his dad. I'm not sure how that will end up. He's been there for two weeks. I can't see him doing it, but it's not my place to say anything. He got an apartment too.”
“What?” Gracie cut in.
“Yep,” her dad said. “I'm not exactly sure where. Becky told your mom earlier in the week. She was not happy. It was immediate occupancy, and he's already moved in. He's been gone for two years. I can see why he wouldn't want to move right back in with them.”