Out of My League, Part 3 Read online

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  “How was your day?” grandma asked. “Did you guys have a good time? I told the women to leave you alone, and they actually listened. Are you all hungry?”

  “It was good,” my dad said. “We just needed some guy time.”

  “See,” grandma said, as she turned toward me. “That's exactly what I said. Right, Cassie?”

  I nodded but didn't speak.

  “Parker,” Lauren gasped. “You were hanging with the guys?”

  “Parker,” my mom said, as she got up and hurried over to hug him. “I haven't seen you in so long. Sammie was just talking earlier today about how much you help her.”

  Just as she released him, his hand went up and ran through his hair. What the fuck was he nervous for, I wondered? That was something I was quickly learning about him. Hand in the hair meant he was nervous. When his hand came away from his head, I saw it and gasped.

  “Shit!” Sammie snapped out before I even had the chance.

  “I had a little mishap while we were out,” he said, quickly shoving his bloodied hand into his jeans pocket.

  I got up, hurried to the kitchen, and came back with a bag of ice. Then I grabbed his hand and pulled it out of his pocket.

  “A mishap?” I asked. “It looks like your hand had a run in with a brick wall.”

  “Believe me,” he said, with a laugh, “it was no brick wall. More like a soft lump of shit.”

  His hand had dried blood all over it, and it was swollen.

  “How long ago did this happen?” I asked.

  “A few hours ago,” he answered.

  “Were you fucking drunk of something?” I snapped out.

  “No,” he answered sternly.” I knew exactly what I was doing. The fucker is lucky. He got off easy if you ask me.”

  “What were you doing?” I asked. “Defending one of your groupies? Is that what they call them in baseball?”

  “Enough,” James barked out, and I froze.

  “Sorry,” I said, as I put the bag of ice on his hand. “You have to watch that shit. Aren't you close enough to being traded. Hurting your hand will just give them another reason to let you go. How am I the only one mentioning this? I don't even like the damn game.”

  I took my eyes away from his hand and looked around to see everyone staring at me.

  “Whatever,” I said. “I don't care. I'm going to my room.”

  I turned away from them all, went up the stairs, shut my door behind me, and sat down on my bed. I wasn't in there five minutes when I heard the knock. I didn't answer, but it didn't matter. The door opened, and Lauren walked in.

  “You don't like him,” she said.

  “No,” I said. “Not one bit.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yes, really,” I said. “I was with a man for six years and thought he'd been loyal the whole time. I was wrong.”

  “You don't think Parker could be loyal?” she asked.

  “I'm not willing to take that chance,” I answered. “Did you see his hand? Who does shit like that? It's not good. He's so damn irritating. Every time he talks, something cocky comes out of his mouth. I get why he thinks he's all that. He's a Pirate.”

  “I don't get it,” she said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “How can you judge him like that?” she asked. “You know guys that are dedicated to their wives and families that were Pirates.”

  “Doesn't matter,” I said, with a shake of my head.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “He doesn't give a shit about me either,” I answered. “I don't get why you even care. It won't be long, and he'll be gone, maybe even sooner than later.”

  “Cassie,” she said.

  “I heard grandma ask him about his twins earlier. How many kids does he have?” I asked.

  “Just the two,” she answered.

  “What happened to his wife?” I asked.

  “I honestly don't know,” she answered. “I think grandma and Sammie know. You could ask one of them, or you could just ask him.”

  “That's not going to happen,” I said.

  “You two drive me crazy,” she said. “I've seen the guy around but not nearly as much as he has been since you got here.”

  “Goodnight, Lauren,” I said.

  “I guess I'll take my huge, pregnant ass home,” she said.

  “You are getting pretty big,” I said, with a smile.

  “Very funny,” she said, as she turned, flipped me off from over her shoulder, and left my room.

  I grabbed my phone and got under the covers on my bed. When I brought my phone to life, I saw the messages he'd sent that morning, before he came over. It almost seemed like he'd been worried about me. Was that why he'd come over? Had he really thought Jeff had been there? For a moment, I felt bad for not answering him back. Then I thought about him taking my brother into the other room. It had to have been about me, I thought. Had it been? What had he said? Shit! I needed some sleep. Everything would be back to normal in the morning, whatever normal was anyway. I myself wasn't even sure what that was anymore. At least he hadn't told my brother that we'd had sex, I thought. That was something to be happy and relieved about.

  I put my phone down and closed my eyes. Just as I was starting to fall asleep, I heard the ding of my phone. I let out a groan, as I reached over and grabbed it.

  Wannabe: Thanks for the ice.

  Me: You shouldn't have been fighting. What the hell were you thinking?

  Wannabe: I'm honestly not sure.

  Me: Was it worth the manly time you all had together?

  Wannabe: It actually was. Goodnight, princess.

  Me: Goodnight, wannabe.

  I couldn't believe he honestly thought what he'd done was a good idea. I let out a huff, as I put my phone back on my nightstand again. For a second, I thought about shutting it off, but I didn't. There was no way I could take him showing up again, no way at all.

  Each time I closed my eyes, I saw how bruised and battered Parker's hand was. My mind began running through every reason he could have had for fighting, and not one of them was a good one. Part of me wanted so badly to pick my phone back up and ask him, but I couldn't do it. There was no way I was going to give him any reason at all to think I actually gave a shit. I didn't, and I never would.

  Chapter 10


  Shortly after Cassie walked off, I said my goodbyes and headed home. There was no way I was giving any of the guys an opportunity to corner me and ask me anything about Cassie or about our relationship, especially since we didn't have one. I needed some time to think things through, and them being around wouldn't help one bit.

  As soon as I got home, I sent her a message. Part of me wanted to check to make sure she was okay. I had no idea if they would leave her be or rush in and start asking her about Jeff and if he'd touched her. Another part of me wanted to genuinely thank her for the ice. It had been a very long time since someone hurried to help me like that. The look on her face as she went off about me fighting was something else. For a brief moment, I thought she actually gave a shit about my career. Of course, she took that away when she accused me of having groupies. That shit made me want to laugh and pissed me off all at once.

  Instead of just saying you're welcome like she should have, she questioned my fighting again. What was I thinking? My answer would have been, I wasn't. When those words spewed from that asshole's mouth, I couldn't stop myself. How could someone talk about the person they promised to love and protect forever like that? Keep her pampered and she'll suck your dick was pretty much what he'd said. Just the thought of any dick but mine in her mouth wasn't something I wanted to think about. Shit! I didn't even want to think about my own dick being there, but I couldn't help it. That damn thought had been there more times than I could count already. Anyway, the asshole was lucky I let him down and walked away. How long it would take for him or one of the guys to tell her what happened, I had no idea. I was sure when they did, I wouldn't get a simple thank you
for defending me. That's not how things went with Cassie.

  When she asked if it was worth it, I answered her honestly. It was worth it. Hearing the way he talked about her to her own father was awful. Making that smug look leave his face was totally worth it. I also said goodnight, letting her know we were done for the night. No more questions or rude comments. We were ending it there. She wasn't the only one that could put a stop to our conversations.

  When I went to bed, I closed my eyes, thinking sleep would come even less than usual. Between Cassie, my kids, and being traded, I was barely getting a couple of hours a night. Add to that the pain in my hand and the fact that I could have totally screwed up my career, and I was pretty sure I wouldn't even get one full hour.

  I was wrong. My eyes closed, and I was gone. When I opened them again, I couldn't believe it. I'd gotten ten full hours and had slept so damn good. That hadn't happened in a very long time. When I sat up in bed, I felt great. Then I moved to push off of the bed with my hand, and the pain that shot through it had me clenching my eyes closed and gritting my teeth. That shit hurt. I knew for sure it would be a few days before I'd be going to Sammie's place. One, there was no damn way I was throwing a ball or swinging a bat. Two, I didn't want my hand to remind any of them what had happened. Three, I didn't want Sammie or Lauren pulling me to the side to ask who I hit. Finally, I didn't want to run into any of the guys. I didn't need a single one of them asking me about Cassie or anything else either. Letting my hand heal would give me time for it all to blow over, and that was exactly what I was going to do.

  I didn't want anyone else to see my hand, so I decided I'd be staying home for a few days. Cassie might not have known who I was, but other people did. Being in the hometown of the team, people paid attention. It would be bad enough when her ex came out and blasted me for what I had done. I wasn't going to bring light to it any quicker.

  I'd been sitting in front of the television for a few hours when I heard the ding of my phone and quickly reached to grab it, letting out a hiss the second the pain hit me. When I looked down at it and saw her name, I was surprised.

  Princess: How's your hand?

  I thought about blowing her off, but I didn't. It wasn't easy for me to just sit home and do nothing. When I found myself thinking or wanting to get out, I usually went to Sammie's place. Since I couldn't do that, I was stuck at home and so damn bored.

  Me: I'm not going to lie, the damn thing hurts.

  I should have said okay, but it wasn't, and I didn't want to lie to her. She drove me crazy, and I wanted to whoop her ass every single time she opened her mouth, but she'd been lied to enough, and I wasn't about to add to it. It was kind of nice letting it out there. The damn thing did hurt. It hurt a lot.

  Princess: You think maybe you should go to the hospital? Do you think it's broken? Is it swollen? Is it bruised?

  Me: No, I'm not drawing attention to it. It's bad enough that your family knows. I'll just stay home and keep to myself for a few days. It's swollen and bruised, but I don't think it's broken.

  Not to mention that asshole Jeff, I thought. He surely knew.

  Princess: Is that what you usually do, stay home until it passes?

  Leave it to her to piss me off with just a few short words.

  Me: So not funny. It doesn't usually happen. This is a first actually. I don't make a habit of defending girls when assholes talk shit about or to them. My mistake. I won't let it happen again.

  Princess: I'm sure she was happy you did it.

  Wow! That was it. Nothing shitty about me fucking her after or anything, I thought.

  Me: She doesn't even know. How are you? Everything going okay with the family over there?

  Princess: It's been pretty quiet actually. They haven't said much, but most of them are at Lance and Lauren's trying to finish up. My parents and grandma are staying until New Year's.

  Me: I'm surprised they haven't tried to talk you into going back with them.

  Princess: Trying to get rid of me?

  Me: I will neither confirm or deny that.

  Princess: Not until after the divorce.

  So she's going back, I thought but didn't reply.

  Princess: That's what they are saying anyway. I'm not so sure though.

  Me: About going back before that.

  Princess: About going back at all. James is giving me a job.

  Me: Seriously?

  Princess: Not one word about it, Parker. It's true that I have never had a job, but I am very capable. Do not give me shit right now.

  Me: What? Me? I would never.

  I couldn't help but laugh as I typed that.

  Princess: :-)

  Seeing that little smile emoji made me smile too. It was nice being able to make her smile for a second. She deserved it.

  Me: When does the big job start?

  Princess: The day after my parents leave. I'm looking for a good daycare place now.

  Was she serious? That was bullshit. I saw her house. The woman was loaded. Why the fuck would she put the kids in daycare if she didn't have to? I was pissed, and they weren't even my kids. Daycare was for people that didn't have a choice. She did.

  Me: Why?

  Princess: I can't take them to work with me. James is my brother and all, but that's not going to fly.

  Me: You shouldn't have to work.

  Princess: I don't have a choice, Parker. I can't live off my brother and his wife forever. I need to take care of my kids myself. I won't have a dime to my name until the divorce is over. Jeff locked me out of the accounts, remember?

  In that moment, reading her text, I wished I'd hit him twice as hard as I had. Who does shit like that to their own kids?

  Princess: A job will look really good to a judge too.

  Me: Can't Sammie watch them?

  Princess: She's pregnant and has two kids of her own. Not to mention her love of baseball and the place she's worked so hard to build. I've already abused her services enough. I need to do this.

  I didn't reply for a few minutes. Instead, I grabbed my laptop and started looking up daycare places in the area. If she was going to put her kids in one, it needed to be a good one. I heard a ding and looked back at my phone.

  Princess: I'm worried about your hand. Can you send me a picture of it.

  Before I even had to the chance to take a picture, the ding came again.

  Princess: Just your hand. Do not try to be funny and have it wrapped around your dick. I don't need my grandma seeing that.

  I took a picture of my hand and sent it. Then I typed out a message.

  Me: Seriously! Get your mind out of the gutter. That thought never even crossed my mind. Do not type the words dick and grandma seeing that in the same message ever again.

  Princess: Shit! It looks really bad, Parker. Are you sure you shouldn't go to the hospital? I'd hate to see the other guy.

  That one made me smile. She might not have minded seeing the other guy after everything he'd done to her.

  Princess: My mind was not in the gutter. Now I know what to send, if your with a girl, so you won't be able to get it up.

  Me: Wait a second. Why would you not want me to be able to get it up if I was with someone? Would you be jealous if I was?

  Princess: No!!!! You can be with whoever you want. I don't give a shit. What would I care?

  Me: That's what I'm asking. What would you care?

  Princess: I wouldn't.

  Me: Just so you know, those words wouldn't stop me from getting it up. No worries there.

  Princess: Fuck you! Never said I was worried.

  Me: There you go, being dirty again. Offering to fuck me and all.

  Princess: I did not. Those words were innocent.

  Me: Those two words are never innocent. By the way, why would your grandma see a pic of me holding my dick?

  Princess: I didn't tell you. She was in my room the other night when you sent a message.

  Me: And?

  Princess: She saw the message t
hat said Goodnight, princess.

  Me: What does that matter? I'm listed in your phone as Wannabe, remember?

  Princess: It wouldn't have mattered if you hadn't come over yesterday.

  Me: How did that matter?

  Princess: You called me princess in front of her.

  Me: Oh!

  Princess: She didn't miss it either. I assured her she was wrong.

  Me: What did she say?

  Princess: That you're a good guy.

  Me: I am, but that has nothing to do with it.

  I'd been looking online at daycare places the whole time we were talking. There was one that looked pretty cool and was really close to where James' company was located. I typed the link into a message and sent it. Then I typed out another.

  Me: Check this place out.

  That was as good of way as any of getting off the other subject, and that had to happen. Being on the other subject never ended well for us, and it was actually nice having someone to talk to while I was stuck at home.

  Princess: I saw that one. It does look nice. A bit expensive though. People had nice things to say in the reviews. I think I'm going to check it out.

  Me: If you have to put them in one, make it a nice one.

  Princess: Yes, Sir!

  Me: I like it. You can say that to me anytime.

  Princess: Who's being dirty now?

  Me: What? I can't believe you. I hadn't even thought of that.

  Princess: Parker.

  Me: Cassie.

  Princess: Take care of your hand. Goodbye!

  Me: Thank you for caring. Goodbye!

  I knew there was no way she was going to say anything after we'd both said goodbye. She'd been the one to end the conversation. Her saying something would take that back, and she wouldn't let that happen. That didn't mean it wasn't working on her mind though. If I had to bet, I'd say it was taking all she had not to type back that she didn't care. Letting it go, with me thinking she did, would drive her crazy. There was no doubt in my mind about that.

  The next four days went by quicker than I thought they would. I stayed home the whole time. That was not easy. My friends and parents had probably heard from me more through text in those days than they had in months. I was definitely bored.